2.0info: 9.5.0 field_customization description: Customização de campos x-senior-domain: platform x-senior-domain-path: platform x-senior-service-path: field_customization contact: name: Senior X Platform url: https://dev.senior.com.br email: seniorx-dev@senior.com.brhost: platform.senior.com.br /t/senior.com.br/bridge/1.0/rest/platformsecurityDefinitions: APIKeyHeader: type: apiKey in: header name: Authorizationsecurity: – APIKeyHeader: [] – application/json – application/jsonpaths: /field_customization/queries/healthcheck: post: description: Verifica se o serviço está funcionando tags: – Queries x-senior-visibility: PRIVATE responses: 200: description: Ok schema: type: object required: – status – checks properties: status: type: string allOf: – #/definitions/healthCheckStatus description: Status do serviços checks: type: array items: type: object allOf: – #/definitions/checkDTO minimum: 1 description: Itens avaliados 401: description: Invalid Credentials default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: Verifica se o serviço está funcionando tags: – Queries x-senior-visibility: PRIVATE responses: 200: description: Ok schema: type: object required: – status – checks properties: status: type: string allOf: – #/definitions/healthCheckStatus description: Status do serviços checks: type: array items: type: object allOf: – #/definitions/checkDTO minimum: 1 description: Itens avaliados 401: description: Invalid Credentials default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /field_customization/queries/getEntity: post: description: Retorna uma entidade baseado no domínio, serviço e no id. tags: – Queries x-senior-visibility: PRIVATE parameters: – name: input in: body required: true schema: type: object required: – entityId properties: entityId: type: object allOf: – #/definitions/entityIdDef description: translated: type: boolean description: Se b true /b , retorna o label e o tooltip da customização traduzidos. responses: 200: description: Ok schema: type: object properties: entity_: type: object allOf: – #/definitions/entityDef description: 401: description: Invalid Credentials default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /field_customization/queries/getEntities: post: description: Retorna entidade baseado nos domínios, nos serviços e nos ids. tags: – Queries x-senior-visibility: PRIVATE parameters: – name: input in: body required: true schema: type: object required: – entityIds properties: entityIds: type: array items: type: object allOf: – #/definitions/entityIdDef minimum: 1 description: translated: type: boolean description: Se b true /b , retorna o label e o tooltip da customização traduzidos. responses: 200: description: Ok schema: type: object properties: entities_: type: array items: type: object allOf: – #/definitions/entityDef description: 401: description: Invalid Credentials default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /field_customization/queries/listEntitiesByServicesId: post: description: Lista os ids de todas as entidades beseado nos domínios e nos serviços. tags: – Queries x-senior-visibility: PUBLIC parameters: – name: input in: body required: true schema: type: object required: – serviceIds – pageRequest properties: serviceIds: type: array items: type: object allOf: – #/definitions/serviceIdDef minimum: 1 description: pageRequest: type: object allOf: – #/definitions/pageRequest description: responses: 200: description: Ok schema: type: object properties: entities_: type: array items: type: object allOf: – #/definitions/entityIdDef description: 401: description: Invalid Credentials default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /field_customization/queries/searchEntitiesById: post: description: Procura as entidades que possuem a expressão no id. tags: – Queries x-senior-visibility: PRIVATE parameters: – name: input in: body required: true schema: type: object required: – serviceId – expression – pageRequest properties: serviceId: type: object allOf: – #/definitions/serviceIdDef description: expression: type: string description: pageRequest: type: object allOf: – #/definitions/pageRequest description: responses: 200: description: Ok schema: type: object properties: entities_: type: array items: type: object allOf: – #/definitions/entityIdDef description: 401: description: Invalid Credentials default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /field_customization/queries/getField: post: description: Retorna um campo baseado no na entidade e em seu id. tags: – Queries x-senior-visibility: PRIVATE parameters: – name: input in: body required: true schema: type: object required: – fieldId properties: fieldId: type: object allOf: – #/definitions/fieldIdDef description: translated: type: boolean description: Se b true /b , retorna o label e o tooltip da customização traduzidos. responses: 200: description: Ok schema: type: object properties: field: type: object allOf: – #/definitions/fieldDef description: 401: description: Invalid Credentials default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /field_customization/queries/getFields: post: description: Retorna campos baseado nas entidades e em seus ids. tags: – Queries x-senior-visibility: PRIVATE parameters: – name: input in: body required: true schema: type: object required: – fieldIds properties: fieldIds: type: array items: type: object allOf: – #/definitions/fieldIdDef minimum: 1 description: translated: type: boolean description: Se b true /b , retorna o label e o tooltip da customização traduzidos. responses: 200: description: Ok schema: type: object properties: fields: type: array items: type: object allOf: – #/definitions/fieldDef description: 401: description: Invalid Credentials default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /field_customization/queries/listFieldsLgpd: post: description: Lista os campos customizados que tem suporte ao LGPD tags: – Queries x-senior-visibility: PUBLIC parameters: – name: input in: body required: true schema: type: object properties: includeDisabled: type: boolean description: Inclui os campos desativados, o valor padrão é false default: false searchValue: type: string description: Filtro utilizado para localizar um ou mais campos de forma rápida domainName: type: string description: Domínio do serviço serviceName: type: string description: Nome do serviço page: type: integer format: int64 description: O número da página retornado. A primeira página corresponde ao índice 0 default: 0 size: type: integer format: int64 description: Quantidade de registros por página default: 10 responses: 200: description: Ok schema: type: object required: – fields – listInformation properties: fields: type: array items: type: object allOf: – #/definitions/completeCustomFieldLgpd minimum: 1 description: Lista com os campos customizados que tem suporte ao LGPD encontrados na pesquisa listInformation: type: object allOf: – #/definitions/listInformation description: Informação sobre a listagem do resultado 401: description: Usuário ou senha inválidos 403: description: Permissão negada default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: Lista os campos customizados que tem suporte ao LGPD tags: – Queries x-senior-visibility: PUBLIC parameters: – name: includeDisabled description: Inclui os campos desativados, o valor padrão é false in: query type: boolean – name: searchValue description: Filtro utilizado para localizar um ou mais campos de forma rápida in: query type: string – name: domainName description: Domínio do serviço in: query type: string – name: serviceName description: Nome do serviço in: query type: string – name: page description: O número da página retornado. A primeira página corresponde ao índice 0 in: query type: integer format: int64 – name: size description: Quantidade de registros por página in: query type: integer format: int64 responses: 200: description: Ok schema: type: object required: – fields – listInformation properties: fields: type: array items: type: object allOf: – #/definitions/completeCustomFieldLgpd minimum: 1 description: Lista com os campos customizados que tem suporte ao LGPD encontrados na pesquisa listInformation: type: object allOf: – #/definitions/listInformation description: Informação sobre a listagem do resultado 401: description: Usuário ou senha inválidos 403: description: Permissão negada default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /field_customization/queries/listFields: post: description: Lista os ids dos campos baseado na entidade. tags: – Queries x-senior-visibility: PRIVATE parameters: – name: input in: body required: true schema: type: object required: – entityId properties: entityId: type: object allOf: – #/definitions/entityIdDef description: responses: 200: description: Ok schema: type: object properties: fields: type: array items: type: object allOf: – #/definitions/fieldIdDef description: 401: description: Invalid Credentials default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /field_customization/queries/listActiveFields: post: description: Lista os ids dos campos ativos baseado na entidade. tags: – Queries x-senior-visibility: PRIVATE parameters: – name: input in: body required: true schema: type: object required: – entityId properties: entityId: type: object allOf: – #/definitions/entityIdDef description: responses: 200: description: Ok schema: type: object properties: fields: type: array items: type: object allOf: – #/definitions/fieldIdDef description: 401: description: Invalid Credentials default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /field_customization/queries/searchFieldsById: post: description: Lista os ids dos campos baseado na entidade e em seu id. tags: – Queries x-senior-visibility: PRIVATE parameters: – name: input in: body required: true schema: type: object required: – entityId – expression properties: entityId: type: object allOf: – #/definitions/entityIdDef description: expression: type: string description: responses: 200: description: Ok schema: type: object properties: fields: type: array items: type: object allOf: – #/definitions/fieldIdDef description: 401: description: Invalid Credentials default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /field_customization/queries/getFileMetadata: post: description: Retorna os metados do arquivo armazenado no S3 tags: – Queries x-senior-visibility: PRIVATE parameters: – name: input in: body required: true schema: type: object required: – objectId properties: objectId: type: string description: Identificador para retornar a url do arquivo seguindo o padrão objectId/fileName responses: 200: description: Ok schema: type: object allOf: – #/definitions/blobMetadata 401: description: Invalid Credentials default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: Retorna os metados do arquivo armazenado no S3 tags: – Queries x-senior-visibility: PRIVATE parameters: – name: objectId description: Identificador para retornar a url do arquivo seguindo o padrão objectId/fileName in: query required: true type: string responses: 200: description: Ok schema: type: object allOf: – #/definitions/blobMetadata 401: description: Invalid Credentials default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /field_customization/queries/getFieldCustomizationsMetadata: post: description: Lista os metadados das customizações de um serviço. tags: – Queries x-senior-visibility: PRIVATE parameters: – name: input in: body required: true schema: type: object required: – serviceId properties: serviceId: type: object allOf: – #/definitions/serviceIdDef description: translated: type: boolean description: Se b true /b , retorna o label e o tooltip da customização traduzidos. responses: 200: description: Ok schema: type: object required: – entities_ properties: entities_: type: array items: type: object allOf: – #/definitions/entityDef minimum: 1 description: 401: description: Invalid Credentials default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /field_customization/queries/generateFieldCustomizationExternalIds: post: description: Gera identificadores externos (Chaves de internacionalização, recurso de permissão). tags: – Queries x-senior-visibility: PRIVATE parameters: – name: input in: body required: true schema: type: object required: – fieldId properties: fieldId: type: object allOf: – #/definitions/fieldIdDef description: responses: 200: description: Ok schema: type: object required: – labelTranslationKey – tooltipTranslationKey – resourceURI properties: labelTranslationKey: type: string description: Chave para internacionalização do label. tooltipTranslationKey: type: string description: Chave para internacionalização do label. resourceURI: type: string description: URI do resource para permissão. 401: description: Invalid Credentials default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /field_customization/queries/getMetadata: post: description: Default getMetadata query. Every service must handle this command and return metadata in the format requested. tags: – Queries x-senior-visibility: PRIVATE parameters: – name: input in: body required: true schema: type: object properties: metadataFormat: type: string description: responses: 200: description: Ok schema: type: object required: – metadata properties: metadata: type: string description: 401: description: Invalid Credentials default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: Default getMetadata query. Every service must handle this command and return metadata in the format requested. tags: – Queries x-senior-visibility: PRIVATE parameters: – name: metadataFormat description: in: query type: string responses: 200: description: Ok schema: type: object required: – metadata properties: metadata: type: string description: 401: description: Invalid Credentials default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /field_customization/queries/getDependencies: post: description: Returns a list with all dependencies from this service, along with their respective versions tags: – Queries x-senior-visibility: PRIVATE responses: 200: description: Ok schema: type: object required: – dependencies properties: dependencies: type: array items: type: object allOf: – #/definitions/dependency minimum: 1 description: List with this service dependencies 401: description: Invalid Credentials default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: Returns a list with all dependencies from this service, along with their respective versions tags: – Queries x-senior-visibility: PRIVATE responses: 200: description: Ok schema: type: object required: – dependencies properties: dependencies: type: array items: type: object allOf: – #/definitions/dependency minimum: 1 description: List with this service dependencies 401: description: Invalid Credentials default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /field_customization/actions/activateFieldCustomizations: post: description: Ativa customizações de um serviço. tags: – Actions x-senior-visibility: PRIVATE parameters: – name: input in: body required: true schema: type: object properties: domainId: type: string description: serviceId: type: string description: entitieIds: type: array items: type: string description: responses: 200: description: Ok schema: type: object required: – ok properties: ok: type: boolean description: 401: description: Invalid Credentials default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /field_customization/actions/deactivateFieldCustomizations: post: description: Desativa customizações de um serviço. tags: – Actions x-senior-visibility: PRIVATE parameters: – name: input in: body required: true schema: type: object properties: domainId: type: string description: serviceId: type: string description: entitieIds: type: array items: type: string description: responses: 200: description: Ok schema: type: object required: – ok properties: ok: type: boolean description: 401: description: Invalid Credentials default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /field_customization/actions/updateFieldCustomizations: post: description: Altera campos de uma entidade tags: – Actions x-senior-visibility: PRIVATE parameters: – name: input in: body required: true schema: type: object required: – serviceId – entities_ properties: serviceId: type: object allOf: – #/definitions/serviceIdDef description: entities_: type: array items: type: object allOf: – #/definitions/entityDef minimum: 1 description: responses: 200: description: Ok schema: type: object required: – ok properties: ok: type: boolean description: 401: description: Invalid Credentials default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /field_customization/actions/createField: post: description: API DEPRECIADA: Use updateFieldCustomizations instead | DATA: 2020-02-07 | Cria um campo. tags: – Actions deprecated : true x-senior-visibility: PRIVATE parameters: – name: input in: body required: true schema: type: object required: – entityId – field properties: entityId: type: object allOf: – #/definitions/entityIdDef description: field: type: object allOf: – #/definitions/fieldDef description: responses: 200: description: Ok schema: type: object required: – ok properties: ok: type: boolean description: 401: description: Invalid Credentials default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /field_customization/actions/deleteField: post: description: API DEPRECIADA: Use updateFieldCustomizations instead | DATA: 2020-02-07 | Exclui um campo. tags: – Actions deprecated : true x-senior-visibility: PRIVATE parameters: – name: input in: body required: true schema: type: object required: – fieldId properties: fieldId: type: object allOf: – #/definitions/fieldIdDef description: responses: 200: description: Ok schema: type: object required: – ok properties: ok: type: boolean description: 401: description: Invalid Credentials default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /field_customization/actions/updateFieldCustomization: post: description: API DEPRECIADA: Use updateFieldCustomizations instead | DATA: 2020-02-07 | Altera uma customização de campo. tags: – Actions deprecated : true x-senior-visibility: PRIVATE parameters: – name: input in: body required: true schema: type: object required: – fieldId – fieldCustomization properties: fieldId: type: object allOf: – #/definitions/fieldIdDef description: fieldCustomization: type: object allOf: – #/definitions/fieldCustomizationDef description: responses: 200: description: Ok schema: type: object required: – ok properties: ok: type: boolean description: 401: description: Invalid Credentials default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /field_customization/actions/requestUpload: post: description: Solicita a importação de arquivo tags: – Actions x-senior-visibility: PRIVATE parameters: – name: input in: body required: true schema: type: object required: – domain – service – entityName – field – fileName properties: domain: type: string description: Domínio do serviço service: type: string description: Nome do serviço entityName: type: string description: Nome da entidade field: type: string description: Nome do campo fileName: type: string description: Nome do arquivo responses: 200: description: Ok schema: type: object required: – location – version – objectId properties: location: type: string description: URL para upload do arquivo type: string description: Versão objectId: type: string description: Id de identificação do objeto 401: description: Invalid Credentials default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /field_customization/actions/commitObject: post: description: tags: – Actions x-senior-visibility: PRIVATE parameters: – name: input in: body required: true schema: type: object required: – objects properties: objects: type: array items: type: object allOf: – #/definitions/commitObjectDef minimum: 1 description: Lista de objetos para fazer o commit responses: 200: description: Ok schema: type: object 401: description: Invalid Credentials default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /field_customization/actions/requestAccess: post: description: tags: – Actions x-senior-visibility: PRIVATE parameters: – name: input in: body required: true schema: type: object required: – objectId properties: objectId: type: string description: Identificador para retornar a url do arquivo seguindo o padrão – objectId/fileName responses: 200: description: Ok schema: type: object required: – fileName – uri properties: fileName: type: string description: Nome do arquivo uri: type: string description: Url do arquivo 401: description: Invalid Credentials default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /field_customization/actions/deleteObjects: post: description: tags: – Actions x-senior-visibility: PRIVATE parameters: – name: input in: body required: true schema: type: object required: – domain – service – objects – entityName properties: domain: type: string description: Domínio do serviço service: type: string description: Nome do serviço objects: type: array items: type: object allOf: – #/definitions/deleteObjectDef minimum: 1 description: Lista de objetos para deletar entityName: type: string description: Nome da entidade responses: 200: description: Ok schema: type: object 401: description: Invalid Credentials default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /field_customization/signals/reloadEntityMetadata: post: description: Força o carregamento dos metadados para um ou mais serviços. tags: – Signals parameters: – name: input in: body required: true schema: type: object required: – serviceIds properties: serviceIds: type: array items: type: object allOf: – #/definitions/serviceIdDef minimum: 1 description: Identificadores dos serviços responses: 202: description: Accepted default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /field_customization/events/fieldCustomizationCreated: post: description: DEPRECATED – 2020-02-07 – Subscribe fieldCustomizationsChanged instead.\n Notifica a criação de um campo. x-senior-event: true tags: – Events parameters: – name: input in: body required: true schema: type: object allOf: – #/definitions/eventFieldDef responses: 200: description: OK default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /field_customization/events/fieldCustomizationModified: post: description: DEPRECATED – 2020-02-07 – Subscribe fieldCustomizationsChanged instead.\n Notifica a alteração de um campo. x-senior-event: true tags: – Events parameters: – name: input in: body required: true schema: type: object allOf: – #/definitions/eventFieldDef responses: 200: description: OK default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /field_customization/events/fieldCustomizationDeleted: post: description: DEPRECATED – 2020-02-07 – Subscribe fieldCustomizationsChanged instead.\n Notifica a exclusão de um campo. x-senior-event: true tags: – Events parameters: – name: input in: body required: true schema: type: object allOf: – #/definitions/fieldIdDef responses: 200: description: OK default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /field_customization/events/fieldCustomizationsReloaded: post: description: Notifica a recarga dos campos de um serviço. x-senior-event: true tags: – Events parameters: – name: input in: body required: true schema: type: object allOf: – #/definitions/serviceIdDef responses: 200: description: OK default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /field_customization/events/fieldCustomizationsChanged: post: description: Notifica alterações de campos. x-senior-event: true tags: – Events parameters: – name: input in: body required: true schema: type: object properties: created: type: array items: type: object allOf: – #/definitions/eventFieldDef description: Campos criados changed: type: array items: type: object allOf: – #/definitions/eventFieldDef description: Campos modificados deleted: type: array items: type: object allOf: – #/definitions/fieldIdDef description: Campos excluídos responses: 200: description: OK default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericErrordefinitions: fieldTypeDef: description: Tipo de campo. type: string enum: – String – Boolean – Integer – Double – Date – DateTime – LocalDateTime – Time – Money – Uuid – Blob – Binary – Any – Enumeration – Record dataType: description: Definir o tipo de dado armazenado para os campos com suporte ao LGPD type: string enum: – PERSONAL_DATA – SENSITIVE_PERSONAL_DATA fileType: description: type: string enum: – Unknown – PDF – MsWord – MsExcel – MsPowerPoint – MsVisio – MsOutlook – MsPublisher – OoxmlWord – OoxmlExcel – OoxmlPowerPoint – OoxmlVisio – PlainText – Image – Video – Audio healthCheckStatus: description: Status do healthcheck type: string enum: – UP – DOWN userNotificationKind: description: User notification kind. type: string enum: – Operational – Management – News userNotificationPriority: description: User notification priority. type: string enum: – Error – Alert – None eventEmailFormat: description: Format of the email type: string enum: – HTML – PLAIN_TEXT pageRequest: description: Page request info. type: object required: – offset – size properties: offset: type: integer format: int64 description: First returning record index. size: type: integer format: int64 description: Record quantity to return. changeInfoDef: description: type: object required: – user – time_ properties: user: type: string description: Usuário que criou ou efetuou a última alteração no objeto. time_: type: string format: date-time description: Hora que o objeto foi criado ou alterado pela última vez. serviceIdDef: description: type: object required: – domain_ – service_ properties: domain_: type: string description: Domínio da entidade. service_: type: string description: Serviço da entidade. entityIdDef: description: Entity id. type: object required: – domain_ – service_ – id properties: domain_: type: string description: Domínio da entidade. service_: type: string description: Serviço da entidade. id: type: string description: identificador da entidade. entityDef: description: Entity definition. type: object required: – id – fields – active properties: id: type: string description: fields: type: array items: type: object allOf: – #/definitions/fieldDef minimum: 1 description: active: type: boolean description: fieldIdDef: description: field id. type: object required: – domain_ – service_ – entityId – id properties: domain_: type: string description: Domínio da entidade. service_: type: string description: Serviço da entidade. entityId: type: string description: identificador da entidade. id: type: string description: identificador do campo. fieldDef: description: Field definition. type: object required: – id – type properties: id: type: string description: type: type: string allOf: – #/definitions/fieldTypeDef description: Tipo do campo. key: type: boolean description: Indica se o campo é chave. customizable: type: boolean description: Indica se o campo é customizável. customization: type: object allOf: – #/definitions/fieldCustomizationDef description: Customization. fieldCustomizationDef: description: Field customization definition. type: object required: – label – order – active properties: change: type: object allOf: – #/definitions/changeInfoDef description: Informações sobre a criação ou última alteração do objeto. br/ b Read only. /b . label: type: string maxLength: 500 description: Rótulo do campo. order: type: integer format: int64 description: Ordem do campo. active: type: boolean description: Campo ativo. validationRegex: type: string description: Expressão regular de validação. tooltip: type: string description: Dica. mask: type: string description: Máscara. labelTranslationKey: type: string description: Chave de tradução do label. br/ b Read only. /b . tooltipTranslationKey: type: string description: Chave de trasução do tooltip. br/ b Read only. /b . resourceURI: type: string description: Resource de permissão. br/ b Read only. /b . customEnumeration: type: object allOf: – #/definitions/customEnumerationDef description: Mapa de oções do enumeration, utilizado quando o fieldTypeDef for Enumeration supportLgpd: type: boolean description: Indica se o campo customziado terá suporte ao LGPD default: false fiscalLgpd: type: boolean description: Indica se o campo armazena informação que é uma obrigação legal para empresa, não podendo ser excluídas pelo LGPD default: false descriptionLgpd: type: string description: Descrição que será apresentada na listagem de campos no LGPD. Se não informado, usará o rótulo do campo. dataTypeLgpd: type: string allOf: – #/definitions/dataType description: Tipo do dado que o campo armazena sendo (DADO PESSOAL ou DADO PESSOAL SENSÍVEL) eventFieldDef: description: Field definition for events. type: object required: – entityId – field properties: entityId: type: object allOf: – #/definitions/entityIdDef description: field: type: object allOf: – #/definitions/fieldDef description: commitObjectDef: description: type: object required: – objectId – fileName – version properties: objectId: type: string description: Id de identificação do objeto fileName: type: string description: Nome do arquivo type: string description: Versão deleteObjectDef: description: type: object required: – field – objectId properties: field: type: string description: Nome do campo objectId: type: string description: Id de identificação do objeto seguindo o padrão – objectId/fileName customEnumerationDef: description: type: object required: – values properties: multiple: type: boolean description: Campo é multi valores values: type: array items: type: object allOf: – #/definitions/customEnumerationValue minimum: 1 description: Possíveis valores para o enumeration customEnumerationValue: description: type: object required: – key – value properties: key: type: string description: Chave value: type: string description: Valor completeCustomFieldLgpd: description: Informações completas do campo customizado que está marcado para ser tratado pelo (LGPD) type: object required: – domainName – serviceName – customFields properties: domainName: type: string description: Dominio serviceName: type: string description: Serviço customFields: type: array items: type: object allOf: – #/definitions/customFieldLgpd minimum: 1 description: Informações referente a customização do campo customFieldLgpd: description: Identifica a entidade e os campos customizados que ela possui para enviar ao (LGPD) type: object required: – entityName – fields properties: entityName: type: string description: Nome da entidade que o campo pertence fields: type: array items: type: object allOf: – #/definitions/fieldLgpd minimum: 1 description: Campos customzidos fieldLgpd: description: Campo customizado (LGPD) type: object required: – name – description – dataType – fiscal properties: name: type: string description: Nome do campo description: type: string description: Descrição do campo dataType: type: string allOf: – #/definitions/dataType description: Tipo de dado que o campo armazena sendo (DADO PESSOAL ou DADO PESSOAL SENSÍVEL) fiscal: type: boolean description: Identifica se o campo faz parte de uma obrigação legal listInformation: description: Informação sobre o resultado da listagem type: object required: – totalElements – totalPages properties: totalElements: type: integer format: int64 description: Total de registros totalPages: type: integer format: int64 description: Total de páginas blobMetadata: description: Metadados do arquivo type: object required: – name – size – fileType – title – modified properties: name: type: string description: Nome do arquivo size: type: integer format: int64 description: Tamanho do arquivo fileType: type: string allOf: – #/definitions/fileType description: Tipo do arquivo type: string description: Titulo modified: type: string format: date-time description: Data da motificação checkDTO: description: Itens verificados no healthcheck type: object required: – name – status properties: name: type: string description: Nome do item status: type: string allOf: – #/definitions/healthCheckStatus description: Status notifyUserEventPayload: description: Represents a regular user event notification payload discriminator: _discriminator type: object required: – notificationKind – notificationPriority – notificationSubject – notificationContent – sourceDomain – sourceService – destinationUser – _discriminator properties: notificationClass: type: string description: Class of notification notificationOrigin: type: string description: Origin of notification. Free text. Optional. notificationKind: type: string allOf: – #/definitions/userNotificationKind description: Notification kind. notificationPriority: type: string allOf: – #/definitions/userNotificationPriority description: Notification priority. notificationSubject: type: string description: Notification subject. notificationContent: type: string description: Notification content. sourceDomain: type: string description: Domain that generates the notification. sourceService: type: string description: Service that generates the notification. destinationUser: type: string description: Username of the destination user. link: type: string description: Notification link _discriminator: type: string description: emailNotifyUserEventPayload: description: Represents an email notification payload allOf: – #/definitions/notifyUserEventPayload – type: object required: – from properties: from: type: string description: Email sender address sendTo: type: array items: type: string description: Additional recipients to send the email to format: type: string allOf: – #/definitions/eventEmailFormat description: Email format pushNotifyUserEventPayload: description: Represents a push notification payload allOf: – #/definitions/notifyUserEventPayload – type: object required: – applicationId properties: applicationId: type: string description: Apple/Google application id blobReference: description: Default blob reference type. Every service defines its own. type: object required: – targetObjectId properties: domainName: type: string description: The domain the blob belongs to. serviceName: type: string description: The service the blob belongs to. targetObjectId: type: string description: The basic id of the blob. targetCopyId: type: string description: The id of the blob copy. basicErrorPayload: description: Default error payload type. Every service defines its own. type: object properties: message: type: string description: The user-facing error message, if any. errorCode: type: string description: The program-accessible (and service-specific) error code. dependency: description: Represents a service dependency type: object required: – domain – service – version properties: domain: type: string description: Domain of the dependency service service: type: string description: Name of the dependency service type: string description: Version of the dependency service genericError: properties: message: type: string description: Messaging describing the error. reason: type: string description: A symbolic code identifying the category of the reason of the error. enum: – BAD_REQUEST – UNAUTHORIZED – PAYMENT_REQUIRED – FORBIDDEN – OBJECT_NOT_FOUND – REQUEST_TIMEOUT – GONE – UNPROCESSABLE – INTERNAL_ERROR – NOT_IMPLEMENTED – SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE – INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE