2.0info: 1.6.1 Romaneio de cargas description: Romaneio de cargas x-senior-domain: Agronegócio x-senior-domain-path: agro x-senior-service-path: packing_list contact: name: Senior X Platform url: https://dev.senior.com.br email: seniorx-dev@senior.com.brhost: api.senior.com.br /agro/packing_listsecurityDefinitions: bearerAuth: type: apiKey in: header name: Authorization – application/json – application/jsonparameters: clientId: name: client_id type: string in: header required: true description: Identificação da aplicação cadastrada no portal do desenvolvedor (api.xplatform.com.br)paths: /createOrUpdatePackingList: post: description: Primitiva para receber as informações do ticket.
### Resources – res://senior.com.br/agro/packing_list/actions/createPackingList x-senior-event: false deprecated: false tags: – Endpoints security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: input in: body required: true schema: type: object required: – tickets properties: tickets: type: array items: #/definitions/packingListReceived description: Lista das cotas responses: 200: description: Ok default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /listPackingListByUserProducer: post: description: Retorna a lista de romaneios por usuário produtor x-senior-event: false deprecated: false tags: – Endpoints security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: input in: body required: true schema: type: object required: – userProducerId properties: userProducerId: type: string description: Id do usuário produtor responses: 200: description: Ok schema: type: object required: – packingLists properties: packingLists: #/definitions/packingList default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: Retorna a lista de romaneios por usuário produtor x-senior-event: false deprecated: false tags: – Endpoints security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: input in: body required: true schema: type: object required: – userProducerId properties: userProducerId: type: string description: Id do usuário produtor responses: 200: description: Ok schema: type: object required: – packingLists properties: packingLists: #/definitions/packingList default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /notifyInputOutputCargo: post: description: Cria as notificações de entrada e saída de carga e gera os logs referentes ao processo x-senior-event: false deprecated: false tags: – Endpoints security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: input in: body required: true schema: type: object required: – producerCpfCnpj – licensePlate – product – inputWeight – companyBranch – company – processType properties: producerCpfCnpj: type: string description: CPF CNPJ do produtor licensePlate: type: string description: Placa do caminhão product: type: string description: Produto da carga inputWeight: type: number description: Peso de entrada na balança outputWeight: type: number description: Peso de saída na balança companyBranch: type: string description: Nome da filial company: type: string description: Nome da Empresa inputDateTime: type: string description: Data e hora da entrada na balança outputDateTime: type: string description: Data e hora da saída na balança processType: #/definitions/cargoProcess responses: 200: description: Ok default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /listProducers: post: description: Retorna a lista de produtores referente ao id de romaneio x-senior-event: false deprecated: false tags: – Endpoints security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: input in: body required: true schema: type: object required: – packingListId properties: packingListId: type: string description: Id do romaneio responses: 200: description: Ok schema: type: object required: – producers properties: producers: #/definitions/producer default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: Retorna a lista de produtores referente ao id de romaneio x-senior-event: false deprecated: false tags: – Endpoints security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: input in: body required: true schema: type: object required: – packingListId properties: packingListId: type: string description: Id do romaneio responses: 200: description: Ok schema: type: object required: – producers properties: producers: #/definitions/producer default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /listClassifications: post: description: Retorna a lista de classificações referente ao id de romaneio x-senior-event: false deprecated: false tags: – Endpoints security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: input in: body required: true schema: type: object required: – packingListId properties: packingListId: type: string description: Id do romaneio responses: 200: description: Ok schema: type: object required: – classifications properties: classifications: #/definitions/classification default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: Retorna a lista de classificações referente ao id de romaneio x-senior-event: false deprecated: false tags: – Endpoints security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: input in: body required: true schema: type: object required: – packingListId properties: packingListId: type: string description: Id do romaneio responses: 200: description: Ok schema: type: object required: – classifications properties: classifications: #/definitions/classification default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /packingListUpdate: post: description: Primitiva para atualizar um packing list.
### Resources – res://senior.com.br/agro/packing_list/entities/packingList x-senior-event: false deprecated: false tags: – Endpoints security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: input in: body required: true schema: type: object required: – packingList properties: packingList: #/definitions/packingListReceived responses: 200: description: Ok schema: type: object required: – packingList properties: packingList: #/definitions/packingList default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericErrordefinitions: cargoProcess: type: string enum: – CARGO_INPUT – CARGO_OUTPUT documentStatus: type: string enum: – ACTIVE – INACTIVE sendNotification: type: string enum: – YES – NO packingListReceived: type: object required: – status – inputDate – inputTime properties: status: #/definitions/documentStatus singleRecordKey: type: string description: Id do Romaneio company: type: string description: Nome da Empresa subsidiary: type: string description: Filial address: type: string description: Endereço warehouseDescription: type: string description: Descrição do depósito inputDate: type: string description: Data de entrada format: date inputTime: type: string description: Hora de entrada outputDate: type: string description: Data da saída format: date outputTime: type: string description: Hora da saída harvest: type: string description: Safra harvestPeriod: type: integer description: Período inicial da safra packingListNumber: type: integer description: Número do Romaneio operation: type: string description: Operação licensePlate: type: string description: Placa do veículo driver: type: string description: Motorista product: type: string description: Produto measurementUnit: type: string description: Unidade de Medida inputWeight: type: number description: Peso Entrada format: double outputWeight: type: number description: Peso Saída format: double totalDiscounted: type: number description: Total Descontado format: double netWeight: type: number description: Peso Líquido format: double sendNotification: #/definitions/sendNotification producers: type: array items: #/definitions/producerReceived description: Lista de produtores classifications: type: array items: #/definitions/classificationReceived description: Lista de Classificações producerReceived: type: object required: – cpfCnpj properties: name: type: string description: Nome do produtor cpfCnpj: type: string description: CpfCnpj originAddress: type: string description: Endereço de Origem stateRegistration: type: string description: Inscrição Estadual participationPercentage: type: number description: Percentual de Participação format: double amountInParticipation: type: number description: Quantidade Participação format: double invoiceSeries: type: string description: Série NF invoiceNumber: type: integer description: Nota Produtor contractNumber: type: integer description: Número contrato classificationReceived: type: object properties: description: type: string description: Descrição do item samplingWeight: type: number description: Peso Amostra format: double reportedPercentage: type: number description: % informado format: double discountedPercentage: type: number description: % Descontado format: double discountedWeight: type: number description: Peso Descontado format: double packingList: type: object required: – status – inputDate – inputTime properties: id: type: string description: format: uuid status: #/definitions/documentStatus singleRecordKey: type: string description: Chave única recebida por integração company: type: string description: Nome da Empresa subsidiary: type: string description: Filial address: type: string description: Endereço warehouseDescription: type: string description: Descrição do depósito inputDate: type: string description: Data de entrada format: date inputTime: type: string description: Hora de entrada outputDate: type: string description: Data da saída format: date outputTime: type: string description: Hora da saída harvest: type: string description: Safra harvestPeriod: type: integer description: Período inicial da safra packingListNumber: type: integer description: Número do Romaneio operation: type: string description: Operação licensePlate: type: string description: Placa do veículo driver: type: string description: Motorista product: type: string description: Produto measurementUnit: type: string description: Unidade de Medida inputWeight: type: number description: Peso Entrada format: double outputWeight: type: number description: Peso Saída format: double totalDiscounted: type: number description: Total Descontado format: double netWeight: type: number description: Peso Líquido format: double producers: type: array items: #/definitions/producer description: Lista de produtores classifications: type: array items: #/definitions/classification description: Lista de Classificações createdBy: type: string description: createdDate: type: string description: format: date-time lastModifiedBy: type: string description: lastModifiedDate: type: string description: format: date-time producer: type: object required: – cpfCnpj properties: id: type: string description: format: uuid cpfCnpj: type: string description: CpfCnpj name: type: string description: Nome do produtor originAddress: type: string description: Endereço de Origem stateRegistration: type: string description: Inscrição Estadual participationPercentage: type: number description: Percentual de Participação format: double amountInParticipation: type: number description: Quantidade Participação format: double invoiceSeries: type: string description: Série NF invoiceNumber: type: integer description: Nota Produtor contractNumber: type: integer description: Número contrato packingList: #/definitions/packingList createdBy: type: string description: createdDate: type: string description: format: date-time lastModifiedBy: type: string description: lastModifiedDate: type: string description: format: date-time classification: type: object properties: id: type: string description: format: uuid description: type: string description: Descrição do item samplingWeight: type: number description: Peso Amostra format: double reportedPercentage: type: number description: % informado format: double discountedPercentage: type: number description: % Descontado format: double discountedWeight: type: number description: Peso Descontado format: double packingList: #/definitions/packingList createdBy: type: string description: createdDate: type: string description: format: date-time lastModifiedBy: type: string description: lastModifiedDate: type: string description: format: date-time genericError: properties: message: type: string description: Messaging describing the error. reason: type: string description: A symbolic code identifying the category of the reason of the error. enum: – BAD_REQUEST – UNAUTHORIZED – PAYMENT_REQUIRED – FORBIDDEN – OBJECT_NOT_FOUND – REQUEST_TIMEOUT – GONE – UNPROCESSABLE – INTERNAL_ERROR – NOT_IMPLEMENTED – SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE – INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE