
2.0info: 3.8.0 Colaborativo description: Serviço responsável pelo módulo colaborativo CRM x-senior-domain: CRM x-senior-domain-path: crm x-senior-service-path: collaborative contact: name: Senior X Platform url: email: /crm/collaborativesecurityDefinitions: bearerAuth: type: apiKey in: header name: Authorization – application/json – application/jsonparameters: clientId: name: client_id type: string in: header required: true description: Identificação da aplicação cadastrada no portal do desenvolvedor ( /apis/task: post: description: The create request primitive for the task facade. deprecated: false tags: – Apis security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: input in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/taskFacade responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/taskFacade default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: The list request primitive for the task facade. deprecated: false tags: – Apis security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: offset in: query type: number – name: size in: query type: number responses: 200: description: Ok schema: type: object required: – contents properties: contents: #/definitions/taskFacade default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /apis/task/{id}: put: description: The update request primitive for the task facade. deprecated: false tags: – Apis security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string – name: input in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/taskFacade responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/taskFacade default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: The retrieve request primitive for the task facade. deprecated: false tags: – Apis security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/taskFacade default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError delete: description: The delete request primitive for the task facade. deprecated: false tags: – Apis security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string responses: 200: description: Ok default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /apis/event: post: description: The create request primitive for the event facade. deprecated: false tags: – Apis security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: input in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/eventFacade responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/eventFacade default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: The list request primitive for the event facade. deprecated: false tags: – Apis security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: offset in: query type: number – name: size in: query type: number responses: 200: description: Ok schema: type: object required: – contents properties: contents: #/definitions/eventFacade default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /apis/event/{id}: put: description: The update request primitive for the event facade. deprecated: false tags: – Apis security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string – name: input in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/eventFacade responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/eventFacade default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: The retrieve request primitive for the event facade. deprecated: false tags: – Apis security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/eventFacade default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError delete: description: The delete request primitive for the event facade. deprecated: false tags: – Apis security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string responses: 200: description: Ok default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /apis/appointmentParams: post: description: The create request primitive for the appointmentParams facade. deprecated: false tags: – Apis security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: input in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/appointmentParamsFacade responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/appointmentParamsFacade default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: The list request primitive for the appointmentParams facade. deprecated: false tags: – Apis security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: offset in: query type: number – name: size in: query type: number responses: 200: description: Ok schema: type: object required: – contents properties: contents: #/definitions/appointmentParamsFacade default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /apis/appointmentParams/{id}: put: description: The update request primitive for the appointmentParams facade. deprecated: false tags: – Apis security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string – name: input in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/appointmentParamsFacade responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/appointmentParamsFacade default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: The retrieve request primitive for the appointmentParams facade. deprecated: false tags: – Apis security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/appointmentParamsFacade default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError delete: description: The delete request primitive for the appointmentParams facade. deprecated: false tags: – Apis security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string responses: 200: description: Ok default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /apis/appointment: post: description: The create request primitive for the appointment facade. deprecated: false tags: – Apis security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: input in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/appointmentFacade responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/appointmentFacade default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: The list request primitive for the appointment facade. deprecated: false tags: – Apis security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: offset in: query type: number – name: size in: query type: number responses: 200: description: Ok schema: type: object required: – contents properties: contents: #/definitions/appointmentFacade default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /apis/appointment/{id}: put: description: The update request primitive for the appointment facade. deprecated: false tags: – Apis security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string – name: input in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/appointmentFacade responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/appointmentFacade default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: The retrieve request primitive for the appointment facade. deprecated: false tags: – Apis security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/appointmentFacade default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError delete: description: The delete request primitive for the appointment facade. deprecated: false tags: – Apis security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string responses: 200: description: Ok default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericErrordefinitions: appointmentFacade: type: object properties: id: type: integer description: ID no CRM schedulerUser: #/definitions/userRecord externalScheduler: #/definitions/externalUserRecord subject: type: string description: Assunto description: type: string description: Descrição startDate: type: string description: Data de início format: date-time endDate: type: string description: Data de término format: date-time startHour: type: string description: Hora de início format: date-time endHour: type: string description: Hora de término format: date-time place: type: string description: Local syncApp: type: boolean description: Se sincroniza o app appId: type: string description: Id do app appEdit: type: boolean description: Se edita o app appOrigin: type: boolean description: Se é a origin do app priority: #/definitions/priorityRecord category: #/definitions/categoryRecord activity: #/definitions/activityRecord origin: #/definitions/appointmentOriginRecord account: #/definitions/accountRecord appointments: type: array items: #/definitions/simpleAppointmentRecord description: Compromissos contacts: type: array items: #/definitions/contactDetailRecord description: Contatos recurrenceType: type: integer description: Tipo de ocorrência intervalRecurrence: type: integer description: Invervalo da recorrência weeklyRecurrence: type: array items: type: integer description: Recorrência semanal annualMonthlyRecurrence: type: integer description: Recorrência mensal/anual canceled: type: boolean description: Se está cancelado justificationCancellation: type: string description: Justificativa do cancelamento notifyEmail: type: boolean description: Se notifica por e-mail requestAcceptance: type: boolean description: Se solicita aceite hidden: type: integer description: Oculto externalId: type: string description: Id externo originIntegration: #/definitions/originIntegrationRecord property: #/definitions/propertyRecord status: type: integer description: Status creatorBy: #/definitions/userRecord updatedBy: #/definitions/userRecord customFields: type: string description: Campos customizados format: byte userRecord: type: object properties: id: type: integer description: ID no CRM idErp: type: string description: ID no sistema terceiro name: type: string description: Nome lastName: type: string description: Sobrenome descriptionFunction: type: string description: Descrição da função photo: type: string description: Foto email: type: string description: E-mail active: type: boolean description: Se está ativo userCompanyBranches: type: array items: #/definitions/userCompanyBranchRecord description: Empresa/filiais do usuário userCompanyBranchRecord: type: object properties: id: type: integer description: ID no CRM standardCompanyBranch: type: boolean description: Empresa/filial padrão user: #/definitions/userRecord companyBranch: #/definitions/companyBranchRecord companyBranchRecord: type: object properties: id: type: integer description: ID no CRM company: #/definitions/companyRecord branch: #/definitions/branchRecord companyRecord: type: object properties: id: type: integer description: ID no CRM companyErp: type: string description: ID no sistema terceiro name: type: string description: Nome da Empresa fantasyName: type: string description: Nome fantasia da Empresa cnpj: type: string description: CNPJ nit: type: string description: NIT branchRecord: type: object properties: id: type: integer description: ID no CRM branchErp: type: string description: ID no sistema terceiro name: type: string description: Nome da Empresa fantasyName: type: string description: Nome fantasia da Empresa cnpj: type: string description: CNPJ headquarters: type: integer description: Matriz nit: type: string description: NIT externalUserRecord: type: object properties: id: type: integer description: ID no CRM email: type: string description: E-mail priorityRecord: type: object properties: id: type: integer description: ID no CRM name: type: string description: Nome color: type: string description: Cor categoryRecord: type: object properties: id: type: integer description: ID no CRM name: type: string description: Nome active: type: boolean description: Se está ativo customFields: type: string description: Campos customizados format: byte activityRecord: type: object properties: id: type: integer description: ID no CRM name: type: string description: Nome icon: type: string description: Ícone appointmentOriginRecord: type: object properties: id: type: integer description: ID no CRM origin: type: integer description: Origem idRef: type: integer description: Id de referência accountRecord: type: object properties: id: type: integer description: ID no CRM idErp: type: string description: ID no sistema terceiro name: type: string description: Nome fantasyName: type: string description: Nome fantasia economicGroup: type: string description: Grupo econômico stateRegistration: type: string description: Inscrição estadual municipalRegistration: type: string description: Inscrição municipal cnpj: type: string description: CNPJ rg: type: string description: RG cpf: type: string description: CPF einNumber: type: string description: EIN ssnNumber: type: string description: SSN url: type: string description: URL generalEmail: type: string description: E-mail geral financialEmail: type: string description: E-mail financeiro employees: type: integer description: Funcionários annualRevenue: type: integer description: Receira anual registrationDate: type: string description: Data de cadastro format: date-time customerSince: type: string description: Cliente desde format: date-time birthDate: type: string description: Data de nascimento format: date-time receiveEmail: type: boolean description: Se recebe e-mail receiveSurvey: type: boolean description: Se recebe pesquisa receiveTrackEmail: type: boolean description: Se recebe monitoramento por e-mail active: type: boolean description: Se está ativo personType: #/definitions/personTypeRecord companySize: #/definitions/companySizeRecord branchActivity: #/definitions/branchActivityRecord companyGroup: #/definitions/companyGroupRecord origin: #/definitions/originRecord nit: type: string description: NIT cedulaCiudadania: type: string description: Cédula de ciudadanía passport: type: string description: Passaporte customFields: type: string description: Campos customizados format: byte personTypeRecord: type: object properties: id: type: integer description: ID no CRM name: type: string description: Nome icon: type: string description: Ícone active: type: boolean description: Se está ativo customFields: type: string description: Campos customizados format: byte companySizeRecord: type: object properties: id: type: integer description: ID no CRM name: type: string description: Nome active: type: boolean description: Se está ativo customFields: type: string description: Campos customizados format: byte branchActivityRecord: type: object properties: id: type: integer description: ID no CRM idErp: type: string description: ID no sistema terceiro name: type: string description: Nome active: type: boolean description: Se está ativo company: #/definitions/companyRecord companyGroupRecord: type: object properties: id: type: integer description: ID no CRM idErp: type: string description: ID no sistema terceiro name: type: string description: Nome active: type: boolean description: Se está ativo company: #/definitions/companyRecord customFields: type: string description: Campos customizados format: byte originRecord: type: object properties: id: type: integer description: ID no CRM name: type: string description: Nome active: type: boolean description: Se está ativo company: #/definitions/companyRecord customFields: type: string description: Campos customizados format: byte simpleAppointmentRecord: type: object properties: id: type: integer description: Código de identificação date: type: string description: Data format: date-time startHour: type: string description: Hora de início do compromisso format: date-time endHour: type: string description: Hora final do compromisso format: date-time detail: #/definitions/detailRecord canceled: type: boolean description: Indicador se o compromisso está cancelado justifiedCancellation: type: string description: Justificativa do cancelamento do compromisso status: type: integer description: Status detailRecord: type: object properties: id: type: string description: ID no CRM contactDetailRecord: type: object properties: id: type: integer description: ID no CRM detail: #/definitions/detailRecord contact: #/definitions/detailRecord originIntegrationRecord: type: object properties: id: type: integer description: ID no CRM name: type: string description: Nome propertyRecord: type: object properties: id: type: integer description: ID no CRM idErp: type: integer description: ID no sistema terceiro name: type: string description: Nome cultivationArea: type: number description: Área de cultivo format: double totalArea: type: number description: Área total format: double cep: type: string description: CEP latitude: type: string description: Latitude longitude: type: string description: Longitude address: type: string description: Endereço number: type: string description: Número complement: type: string description: Complemento neighborhoodVillage: type: string description: Bairro/vilarejo observation: type: string description: Observação active: type: boolean description: Se está ativo stateRegistration: type: string description: Inscrição estadual municipalRegistration: type: string description: Inscrição municiapl companyBranch: #/definitions/companyBranchRecord segment: #/definitions/segmentRecord city: #/definitions/cityRecord account: #/definitions/accountRecord customFields: type: string description: Campos customizados format: byte segmentRecord: type: object properties: id: type: integer description: ID no CRM name: type: string description: Nome active: type: boolean description: Se está ativo icon: type: string description: Ícone color: type: string description: Cor minimumArea: type: number description: Área mínima format: double cityRecord: type: object properties: id: type: integer description: ID no CRM idErp: type: string description: Id de identificação no sistema terceiro idIbge: type: string description: Código IBGE name: type: string description: Nome active: type: boolean description: Se está ativo dddCode: type: string description: Código DDD population: type: integer description: População estimatedPopulation: type: integer description: População estimada potentialConsumption: type: string description: Potencial de consumo pib: type: string description: PIB state: #/definitions/stateRecord customFields: type: string description: Campos customizados format: byte stateRecord: type: object properties: id: type: integer description: ID no CRM idErp: type: string description: Id de identificação no sistema terceiro name: type: string description: Nome initials: type: string description: Iniciais active: type: boolean description: Se está ativo country: #/definitions/countryRecord customFields: type: string description: Campos customizados format: byte countryRecord: type: object properties: id: type: integer description: ID no CRM idErp: type: string description: Id de identificação no sistema terceiro name: type: string description: Nome active: type: boolean description: Se está ativo countryCode: type: integer description: Código do país customFields: type: string description: Campos customizados format: byte eventFacade: type: object properties: id: type: integer description: ID companyBranch: #/definitions/companyBranchRecord user: #/definitions/userRecord eventType: #/definitions/eventTypeRecord status: #/definitions/eventStatusRecord description: type: string description: Descrição startDate: type: string description: Data de início format: date-time endDate: type: string description: Data de término format: date-time startHour: type: string description: Hora de início format: date-time endHour: type: string description: Hora de término format: date-time notes: type: string description: Observações local: type: string description: Local eventTypeRecord: type: object properties: id: type: integer description: ID companyBranch: #/definitions/companyBranchRecord name: type: string description: Nome active: type: boolean description: Se está ativo customFields: type: string description: Campos customizados format: byte eventStatusRecord: type: object properties: id: type: integer description: ID name: type: string description: Nome icon: type: string description: Ícone active: type: boolean description: Se está ativo customFields: type: string description: Campos customizados format: byte appointmentParamsFacade: type: object required: – automaticCompletion – automaticCompletionCategories properties: id: type: integer description: ID no CRM automaticCompletion: type: boolean description: Conclusão Automática automaticCompletionCategories: type: array items: type: string description: Conclusão Automática Categorias taskFacade: type: object properties: id: type: integer description: ID description: type: string description: Descrição user: #/definitions/userRecord schedulerUser: #/definitions/userRecord account: #/definitions/accountRecord opportunity: #/definitions/opportunityRecord occurrence: #/definitions/occurrenceRecord category: #/definitions/taskCategoryRecord value: type: number description: Valor format: double quantity: type: number description: Quantidade format: double completionPercentage: type: number description: Porcentagem de conclusão format: double notifyEmail: type: integer description: Se notifica por e-mail requestAccept: type: boolean description: Se deve solicitar aceite do usuário participante accepted: type: integer description: Se foi aceita pelo usuário participante status: type: integer description: Status priority: type: integer description: Prioridade justification: type: string description: Justificativa de não aceite observations: type: string description: Observações acceptanceDate: type: string description: Data em que foi aceita format: date-time startDate: type: string description: Data de início format: date-time deadlineDate: type: string description: Data limite para conclusão format: date-time endDate: type: string description: Data de término format: date-time customFields: type: string description: Campos customizados format: byte opportunityRecord: type: object properties: id: type: integer description: ID account: #/definitions/accountRecord companyBranch: #/definitions/companyBranchRecord date: type: string description: Data format: date-time hour: type: string description: Hora format: date-time contact: #/definitions/contactRecord companyId: type: integer description: ID da empresa name: type: string description: Nome da oportunidade subType: type: integer description: Subtipo da oportunidade origin: #/definitions/opportunityOriginRecord script: #/definitions/scriptRecord user: #/definitions/userRecord phase: type: integer description: Estágio standByPhase: type: integer description: Estágio standby lossReason: #/definitions/lossReasonRecord saleReason: #/definitions/saleReasonRecord probability: type: integer description: Probabilidade standByProbability: type: integer description: Probabilidade standby proposalNumber: type: string description: Número da proposta orderNumber: type: string description: Número do pedido autoNumbered: type: boolean description: Se é autonumerada predictedInitialClosingDate: type: string description: Data prevista de fechamento inicial format: date-time predictedClosingDate: type: string description: Data prevista de fechamento format: date-time effectiveDateClosing: type: string description: Data efetiva de fechamento format: date-time predictedDeliveryDate: type: string description: Data prevista de entrega format: date-time effectiveDelivertDate: type: string description: Data efetiva de entreda format: date-time initialPredictedValue: type: number description: Valor previsto inicial format: double predictedValue: type: number description: Valor previsto format: double closedValue: type: number description: Valor fechado format: double predictedValueCurrency: type: number description: Moeda do valor previsto format: double closedValueCurrency: type: number description: Moeda do valor esperado format: double predictedQuantitative: type: number description: Quantidade prevista format: double quantitativeAccomplished: type: number description: Quantidade realizada format: double history: type: string description: Histórico description: type: string description: Descrição timestampRegistration: type: string description: Cadastro timestamp format: date-time operatorRegistration: #/definitions/operatorRecord timestampChange: type: string description: Alteração do timestamp format: date-time operatorChange: #/definitions/operatorRecord businessType: #/definitions/businessTypeRecord customFields: type: string description: Campos customizados format: byte type: #/definitions/opportunityTypeRecord notifyEmail: type: boolean description: Se notifica por e-mail infoErp: type: string description: Informações do ERP format: byte contactRecord: type: object properties: id: type: integer description: ID search: type: integer description: Pesquisa privateUser: type: integer description: Usuário privado sequentialErp: type: string description: Sequencial no ERP active: type: boolean description: Ativo visibility: type: integer description: Visibilidade name: type: string description: Nome treatment: type: string description: Tratamento functionDescription: type: string description: Descrição da função gender: type: integer description: Gênero sexual cep: type: string description: CEP zipCode: type: string description: ZIP Code address: type: string description: Endereço number: type: string description: Numero complement: type: string description: Complemento district: type: string description: Bairro cpf: type: string description: CPF rg: type: string description: RG citizenshipCard: type: string description: Cédula cidadania telephone: type: string description: Telefone corporatePhone: type: boolean description: Telefone corporativo phoneBranch: type: string description: Ramal fax: type: string description: FAX cell: type: string description: Celular corporateCellPhone: type: boolean description: Celular comparativo mobileWhatsapp: type: boolean description: Celular WhatsApp operator: type: integer description: Operadora email: type: string description: Email corporateEmail: type: boolean description: Email corporativo receiveCampaign: type: boolean description: Recebe Campanha receiveSearch: type: boolean description: Recebe pesquisa skype: type: string description: Skype twitter: type: string description: Twitter facebook: type: string description: Facebook birthday: type: string description: Aniversário birthDate: type: string description: Data de nascimento format: date-time decisionLevel: type: integer description: Nível de decisão opinionCompany: type: integer description: Parecer empresa reasonOpinionCompany: type: string description: Motivo parecer empresa notes: type: string description: Observações customFields: type: string description: Campos customizados format: byte city: #/definitions/cityRecord department: #/definitions/departmentRecord function: #/definitions/functionRecord origin: #/definitions/originRecord account: #/definitions/accountRecord superiorContact: #/definitions/contactRecord companyBranch: #/definitions/companyBranchRecord departmentRecord: type: object properties: id: type: integer description: ID companyBranch: #/definitions/companyBranchRecord name: type: string description: Nome active: type: boolean description: Ativo usesOccurrence: type: boolean description: Usa ocorrência customFields: type: string description: Campos customizados format: byte functionRecord: type: object properties: id: type: integer description: ID idErp: type: string description: Id no sistema terceiro company: #/definitions/companyRecord name: type: string description: Nome active: type: boolean description: Ativo customFields: type: string description: Campos customizados format: byte opportunityOriginRecord: type: object properties: id: type: integer description: ID name: type: string description: Nome active: type: boolean description: Se está ativo customFields: type: string description: Campos customizados format: byte companyBranch: #/definitions/companyBranchRecord scriptRecord: type: object properties: id: type: integer description: ID name: type: string description: Nome description: type: string description: Descrição lossReasonRecord: type: object properties: id: type: integer description: ID name: type: string description: Nome active: type: boolean description: Se está ativo companyBranch: #/definitions/companyBranchRecord saleReasonRecord: type: object properties: id: type: integer description: ID name: type: string description: Nome active: type: boolean description: Se está ativo companyBranch: #/definitions/companyBranchRecord operatorRecord: type: object properties: id: type: integer description: ID idErp: type: string description: Id no sistema terceiro name: type: string description: Nome lastName: type: string description: Sobrenome functionDescription: type: string description: Descrição da função email: type: string description: E-mail active: type: boolean description: Se está ativo businessTypeRecord: type: object properties: id: type: integer description: ID name: type: string description: Nome notes: type: string description: Observações active: type: boolean description: Se está ativo companyBranch: #/definitions/companyBranchRecord opportunityTypeRecord: type: object properties: id: type: integer description: Id idErp: type: string description: Id no sistema terceiro name: type: string description: Nome note: type: string description: Observações active: type: boolean description: Ativo companyBranch: #/definitions/companyBranchRecord occurrenceRecord: type: object properties: id: type: integer description: ID date: type: string description: Data format: date-time hour: type: string description: Hora format: date-time userId: type: integer description: ID do usuário groupId: type: integer description: ID do grupo campaignId: type: integer description: ID da campanha subaccountId: type: integer description: ID da subconta relationshipId: type: integer description: ID do relacionamento companyId: type: integer description: ID da empresa name: type: string description: Nome occurrenceSubtypeId: type: integer description: ID do subtipo da ocorrência departmentId: type: integer description: ID do departamento priority: type: string description: Prioridade description: type: string description: Descrição status: type: integer description: Status expectedStartDate: type: string description: Data de início esperada format: date-time expectedStartHour: type: string description: Hora de início esperada format: date-time effectiveStartDate: type: string description: Data de início efetiva format: date-time effectiveStartHour: type: string description: Hora de início efetiva format: date-time deadlineDate: type: string description: Data do prazo format: date-time deadlineHour: type: string description: Hora do prazo format: date-time deadlineTimestamp: type: string description: Timestamp do prazo format: date-time resolved: type: boolean description: Se está resolvida resolutionDate: type: string description: Data de resolução format: date-time resolutionHour: type: string description: Hora de resolução resolution: type: string description: Resolução dispositionOccurrenceId: type: integer description: ID da disposição da ocorrência occurrenceCost: type: number description: Custo da ocorrência format: double checkFaq: type: boolean description: Se verifica a FAQ faqTags: type: string description: Tags da FAQ apInvoice: type: integer description: Nota fiscal de entrada arInvoice: type: integer description: Nota fiscal de saída carrierId: type: integer description: ID da transportadora operatorRegistration: type: integer description: Operador do cadastro timestampRegistration: type: string description: Timestamp do cadastro format: date-time operatorChange: type: integer description: Operador da alteração timestampChange: type: string description: Timestamp da alteração format: date-time emailOrigin: type: string description: Origem do e-mail emailAddress: type: string description: Endereço de e-mail emailName: type: string description: Nome do e-mail representativeId: type: integer description: ID do represetante account: #/definitions/accountRecord occurrenceOrigin: #/definitions/occurrenceOriginRecord occurrenceType: #/definitions/occurrenceTypeRecord companyBranch: #/definitions/companyBranchRecord notifyClosing: type: integer description: Se notifica o fechamento notifyEmail: type: integer description: Se notifica o e-mail opportunity: #/definitions/opportunityRecord customFields: type: string description: Campos customizados format: byte createdBy: #/definitions/userRecord changedBy: #/definitions/userRecord occurrenceOriginRecord: type: object properties: id: type: integer description: ID companyBranch: #/definitions/companyBranchRecord name: type: string description: Nome active: type: boolean description: Se está ativo customFields: type: string description: Campos customizados format: byte occurrenceTypeRecord: type: object properties: id: type: integer description: ID companyBranch: #/definitions/companyBranchRecord name: type: string description: Nome active: type: boolean description: Se está ativo sla: type: integer description: SLA customFields: type: string description: Campos customizados format: byte taskCategoryRecord: type: object properties: id: type: integer description: ID name: type: string description: Nome active: type: boolean description: Se está ativo genericError: properties: message: type: string description: Messaging describing the error. reason: type: string description: A symbolic code identifying the category of the reason of the error. enum: – BAD_REQUEST – UNAUTHORIZED – PAYMENT_REQUIRED – FORBIDDEN – OBJECT_NOT_FOUND – REQUEST_TIMEOUT – GONE – UNPROCESSABLE – INTERNAL_ERROR – NOT_IMPLEMENTED – SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE – INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE