erpx_bnk_cob (Domínio de cobrança do banking)

2.0info: 1.9.2 register_boleto description: Serviço de fachada para APIs públicas de cobrança via boleto x-senior-domain: Domínio de cobrança do banking x-senior-domain-path: erpx_bnk_cob x-senior-service-path: register_boleto contact: name: Senior X Platform url: email: /erpx_bnk_cob/register_boletosecurityDefinitions: bearerAuth: type: apiKey in: header name: Authorization – application/json – application/jsonparameters: clientId: name: client_id type: string in: header required: true description: Identificação da aplicação cadastrada no portal do desenvolvedor ( /registerBankSlipBilling: post: description: API responsável pela criação do registro de cobrança assíncrona de boleto ### Resources - res:// x-senior-event: false deprecated: false tags: – Endpoints security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: input in: body required: true schema: type: object required: – receivableBank – beneficiary – accountsReceivable properties: receivableBank: #/definitions/enumReceivableBank beneficiary: #/definitions/recBeneficiary accountsReceivable: type: array items: #/definitions/recAccountReceivable description: Lista de títulos que serão registrados as cobranças responses: 200: description: Ok 404: description: Registro não localizado através do ID ERPX ou chave de negócio informados 403: description: Permissão negada 400: description: Requisição inválida, parâmetros obrigatórios não informados ou campo informado incorretamente default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /getStatusBankSlipBilling: post: description: Query de listagem do status dos títulos de cobrança boleto ### Resources - res:// x-senior-event: false deprecated: false tags: – Endpoints security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: input in: body required: true schema: type: object required: – pageRequest properties: filter: #/definitions/recFilterGetStatusBankSlipBilling pageRequest: #/definitions/recPageRequest responses: 200: description: Ok schema: type: object required: – recBankSlipBilling properties: recBankSlipBilling: #/definitions/recBankSlipBilling 403: description: Permissão negada 404: description: Registro não encontrado 400: description: Requisição inválida, parâmetros obrigatórios não informados ou campo informado incorretamente default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: Query de listagem do status dos títulos de cobrança boleto ### Resources - res:// x-senior-event: false deprecated: false tags: – Endpoints security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: input in: body required: true schema: type: object required: – pageRequest properties: filter: #/definitions/recFilterGetStatusBankSlipBilling pageRequest: #/definitions/recPageRequest responses: 200: description: Ok schema: type: object required: – recBankSlipBilling properties: recBankSlipBilling: #/definitions/recBankSlipBilling 403: description: Permissão negada 404: description: Registro não encontrado 400: description: Requisição inválida, parâmetros obrigatórios não informados ou campo informado incorretamente default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /registerBankSlipOperation: post: description: API responsável pela execução de operações sobre o registro de cobrança do boleto ### Resources - res:// x-senior-event: false deprecated: false tags: – Endpoints security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: input in: body required: true schema: type: object properties: processId: type: string description: Id do processo operationType: #/definitions/enumOperationType accountsReceivableId: type: array items: type: string description: Lista de identificadores dos títulos a serem processados dueDate: type: string description: Nova data de vencimento protest: #/definitions/protest newValue: type: string description: Novo valor interest: #/definitions/recCalculationInterest assessment: #/definitions/recCalculationValue discount: #/definitions/recCalculationDiscount operations: type: array items: #/definitions/recOperation description: Operações responses: 200: description: Ok schema: type: object properties: processId: type: string description: Id do processo returnOperations: #/definitions/recReturnOperations 404: description: Registro não localizado através do ID ERPX ou chave de negócio informados 403: description: Permissão negada 400: description: Requisição inválida, parâmetros obrigatórios não informados ou campo informado incorretamente default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericErrordefinitions: enumReceivableBank: type: string enum: – BANCO_DO_BRASIL – SANTANDER – CAIXA_ECONOMICA_FEDERAL – BRADESCO – ITAU – SICREDI – BTG_PACTUAL enumOperationType: type: string enum: – WRITE_OFF – CHANGE_DUE_DATE – PROTEST – CANCEL_PROTEST – CHANGE_VALUE – CHANGE_INTEREST – CHANGE_ASSESSMENT – CHANGE_DISCOUNT – CANCEL_BANK_SLIP enumSpecie: type: string enum: – COMMERCIAL_DUPLICATE – SERVICE_DUPLICATE enumWallet: type: string enum: – SIMPLE – DISCOUNTED – SECURED enumCalculationTypeInterest: type: string enum: – VALUE_FOR_CALENDAR_DAYS – PERCENTAGE_FOR_CALENDAR_DAYS enumCalculationType: type: string enum: – PERCENTAGE – FIXED_VALUE enumCalculationTypeDiscount: type: string enum: – FIXED_VALUE_UNTIL_LIMIT_DATE – PERCENTAGE_UNTIL_LIMIT_DATE enumProtestType: type: string enum: – CALENDAR_DAYS – BUSINESS_DAYS – NO_PROTEST enumTypeOrder: type: string enum: – ASC – DESC enumBankSlipBillingItemsSituation: type: string enum: – AWAITING_BILLING – PROCESSING_BILLING_SEND – BILLING_SENT – BILLING_WITH_PROBLEMS – BILLING_GENERATED – BILLING_DENIED – BILLING_PAID – BILLING_UNFIT_FOR_PROCESSING – BILLING_INACTIVATED – UNEXPECTED_ERROR – VALIDATION_FAILURE – CANCELLING_BILLING – BILLING_CANCELLED – BILLING_CANCELLATION_ERROR recBeneficiary: type: object required: – documentNumber – covenant – branchNumber – accountNumber properties: name: type: string description: Nome do beneficiário documentNumber: type: string description: Número do documento covenant: type: string description: Convênio branchNumber: type: string description: Número da agência branchDigit: type: string description: Dígito da agência accountNumber: type: string description: Número da conta accountDigit: type: string description: Dígito da conta recAccountReceivable: type: object required: – accountReceivableId – accountReceivableNumber – accountReceivableType – yourNumber – customer – dueDate – values properties: accountReceivableId: type: string description: Identificador do título accountReceivableNumber: type: string description: Número do título accountReceivableType: type: string description: Tipo do título yourNumber: type: string description: Seu número ourNumber: type: string description: Nosso número customer: #/definitions/recCustomer dueDate: type: string description: Data de vencimento format: date specie: #/definitions/enumSpecie wallet: #/definitions/enumWallet guarantor: #/definitions/recGuarantor values: #/definitions/recValuesRegisterBilling protest: #/definitions/recProtest messages: type: array items: type: string description: Mensagens generatePixQrCode: type: boolean description: Gerar no boleto QR code para pagamento via Pix recCustomer: type: object properties: id: type: string description: Identificador do registro na plataforma documentNumber: type: string description: Número do documento name: type: string description: Nome tradeName: type: string description: Nome fantasia address: #/definitions/recAddress email: type: string description: Email phoneNumber: type: string description: Número de telefone codPes: type: integer description: Código recAddress: type: object required: – postalCode properties: street: type: string description: Rua number: type: string description: Número neighborhood: type: string description: Bairro country: #/definitions/recCountry state: #/definitions/recState city: #/definitions/recCity postalCode: type: string description: Código postal (CEP) recCountry: type: object properties: id: type: string description: Identificador do registro no foundation code: type: string description: Código recState: type: object properties: id: type: string description: Identificador do registro no foundation code: type: string description: Código recCity: type: object properties: id: type: string description: Identificador do registro no foundation code: type: integer description: Código recGuarantor: type: object required: – name – documentNumber properties: name: type: string description: Nome do avalista documentNumber: type: string description: Documento do avalista recValuesRegisterBilling: type: object required: – original properties: original: type: string description: Valor original interest: #/definitions/recCalculationInterest assessment: #/definitions/recCalculationValue rebate: #/definitions/recCalculationValue discount: #/definitions/recCalculationDiscount recCalculationInterest: type: object required: – calculationType – valueOrPercentage properties: calculationType: #/definitions/enumCalculationTypeInterest valueOrPercentage: type: string description: Valor ou porcentual recCalculationValue: type: object required: – calculationType – valueOrPercentage properties: calculationType: #/definitions/enumCalculationType valueOrPercentage: type: string description: Valor ou porcentual recCalculationDiscount: type: object required: – calculationType – discountFixedDate properties: calculationType: #/definitions/enumCalculationTypeDiscount discountFixedDate: type: array items: #/definitions/recDiscountFixedDate description: Descontos definidos de acordo com a data estabelecida recDiscountFixedDate: type: object required: – limitDate – valueOrPercentage properties: limitDate: type: string description: Data limite format: date valueOrPercentage: type: string description: Valor ou percentual recProtest: type: object required: – type properties: type: #/definitions/enumProtestType deadline: type: integer description: Prazo protest: type: object required: – type – deadline properties: type: #/definitions/enumProtestType deadline: type: integer description: Prazo do protesto recFilterGetStatusBankSlipBilling: type: object properties: billingId: type: array items: type: string description: Lista de Identificadores dos títulos startDate: type: string description: Data de emissão inicial format: date endDate: type: string description: Data de emissão final format: date recPageRequest: type: object required: – offset – size properties: offset: type: integer description: Página atual size: type: integer description: Total de registros da página orderBy: type: array items: #/definitions/recFieldsOrderBy description: Campos da ordenação dos registros a serem pesquisados recFieldsOrderBy: type: object required: – field – order properties: field: type: string description: Nome do campo a ser ordenado order: #/definitions/enumTypeOrder recOperation: type: object required: – processId – operationType – accountsReceivableId properties: processId: type: string description: Id do processo operationType: #/definitions/enumOperationType accountsReceivableId: type: array items: type: string description: Lista de identificadores dos títulos a serem processados dueDate: type: string description: Nova data de vencimento format: date protest: #/definitions/protest newValue: type: string description: Novo valor interest: #/definitions/recCalculationInterest assessment: #/definitions/recCalculationValue discount: #/definitions/recCalculationDiscount recReturnOperations: type: object required: – processId – accountsReceivableId properties: processId: type: string description: Id do processo accountsReceivableId: type: string description: Identificador do título recBankSlipBilling: type: object required: – accountReceivableId – situation – digitableLine properties: accountReceivableId: type: string description: Identificador do título situation: #/definitions/enumBankSlipBillingItemsSituation digitableLine: type: string description: Linha digitável ourNumber: type: string description: Nosso número pixCopyAndPaste: type: string description: Pix copia e cola pixQRCode: type: string description: Pix QRCode amountPaid: type: string description: Valor Pago originalValue: type: string description: Valor original rebateValue: type: string description: Valor abatimento assessmentValue: type: string description: Valor multa discountValue: type: string description: Valor desconto interestValue: type: string description: Valor juros settlementDate: type: string description: Data liquidação format: date occurrenceCode: type: string description: Código da ocorrência occurrenceDescription: type: string description: Descrição da ocorrência description: type: array items: type: string description: Lista de motivos da ocorrências errors: type: array items: #/definitions/recError description: Lista de erros na geração do boleto recError: type: object required: – message properties: message: type: string description: Mensagem de erro field: type: string description: Campo do erro genericError: properties: message: type: string description: Messaging describing the error. reason: type: string description: A symbolic code identifying the category of the reason of the error. enum: – BAD_REQUEST – UNAUTHORIZED – PAYMENT_REQUIRED – FORBIDDEN – OBJECT_NOT_FOUND – REQUEST_TIMEOUT – GONE – UNPROCESSABLE – INTERNAL_ERROR – NOT_IMPLEMENTED – SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE – INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE