Gestão de Pessoas (hcm)

2.0info: 5.164.0 esocial4integration description: Serviço do e-Social para integrações de terceiros. x-senior-domain: hcm x-senior-domain-path: hcm x-senior-service-path: esocial4integration contact: name: Senior X Platform url: email: /hcm/esocial4integrationsecurityDefinitions: bearerAuth: type: apiKey in: header name: Authorization – application/json – application/jsonparameters: clientId: name: client_id type: string in: header required: true description: Identificação da aplicação cadastrada no portal do desenvolvedor ( /retrieveSentIntegrationsQuery: post: description: Retorna uma lista de pendências de integração. x-senior-event: false deprecated: false tags: – Endpoints security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: input in: body required: true schema: type: object properties: pagination: #/definitions/pagination responses: 200: description: Ok schema: type: object required: – totalElements – totalPages – contents properties: totalElements: type: integer description: Número de elementos na lista totalPages: type: integer description: Número total de páginas contents: #/definitions/integration default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: Retorna uma lista de pendências de integração. x-senior-event: false deprecated: false tags: – Endpoints security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: input in: body required: true schema: type: object properties: pagination: #/definitions/pagination responses: 200: description: Ok schema: type: object required: – totalElements – totalPages – contents properties: totalElements: type: integer description: Número de elementos na lista totalPages: type: integer description: Número total de páginas contents: #/definitions/integration default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /integrationUpdateStatus: post: description: Atualiza o status da integração. x-senior-event: false deprecated: false tags: – Signals security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: input in: body required: true schema: type: object required: – integrationId – statusType properties: integrationId: type: string description: Id da integração. statusType: #/definitions/providerStatusType errorMessage: type: string description: Mensagem de erro. errorCode: type: string description: Código de identificação do erro. providerEmployeeIdentification: type: string description: Identificação única do colaborador no sistema do prestador SST responses: 200: description: Ok default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericErrordefinitions: providerStatusType: type: string enum: – ON_PROVIDER – INTEGRATION_ERROR directionType: type: string enum: – ASC – DESC operationType: type: string enum: – INSERT – UPDATE – DELETE employeeType: type: string enum: – EMPLOYEE – THIRD – PARTNER – NOT_FOUND maritalStatusType: type: string enum: – SINGLE – MARRIED – DIVORCED – WIDOWER – SEPARATED – STABLE_UNION – OTHER – CONCUBINAGE – NOT_FOUND genderType: type: string enum: – MALE – FEMALE situationType: type: string enum: – PRE_ADMISSION – PRE_ADMISSION_CANCELED – WORKING – VACATION – FIRED – AWAY – LICENSE – RETIREMENT contractType: type: string enum: – EMPLOYEE – MANAGER – FARMWORKER – RETIRED – TRAINEE – APPRENTICE – FIXEDDUEDATE – RETIREDMANAGER – PUBLICAGENT – TEACHER – COOPERATIVEWORKER – DOMESTICWORKER – TEACHERFIXEDDUEDATE – NOT_FOUND – THIRD_PARTY eSocialCategoryType: type: string enum: – Category_101 – Category_102 – Category_103 – Category_104 – Category_105 – Category_106 – Category_107 – Category_108 – Category_111 – Category_201 – Category_202 – Category_301 – Category_302 – Category_303 – Category_304 – Category_305 – Category_306 – Category_307 – Category_308 – Category_309 – Category_310 – Category_311 – Category_312 – Category_313 – Category_401 – Category_410 – Category_701 – Category_711 – Category_712 – Category_721 – Category_722 – Category_723 – Category_731 – Category_734 – Category_738 – Category_741 – Category_751 – Category_761 – Category_771 – Category_781 – Category_901 – Category_902 – Category_903 – Category_904 – Category_905 – Category_9995 – Category_9996 – Category_9997 – Category_9999 – Category_501 – Category_906 subscriptionType: type: string enum: – CNPJ – CPF – CAEPF – CNO – CEI – NOT_FOUND workshiftScaleType: type: string enum: – FIRST_SHIFT – SECOND_SHIFT – THIRD_SHIFT – FOURTH_SHIFT – MIXED – GENERAL transferReasonType: type: string enum: – TRANSFER_COMPANY – TRANSFER_COMPANY_BRANCH – NO_REASON_TRANSFER timeTrackingType: type: string enum: – TYPE_01_WORKING – TYPE_02_VACATION – TYPE_03_AID_DISEASE – TYPE_04_WORK_ACCIDENT – TYPE_05_MILITARY_SERVICE – TYPE_06_MATERNITY_LICENSE – TYPE_07_FIRED – TYPE_08_LICENSE_WITHOUT_PAY – TYPE_09_PAID_BY_COMPANY_LICENSE – TYPE_10_PAID_BY_EMPLOYEE_LICENSE – TYPE_11_PATERNITY_LICENSE – TYPE_12_COLLECTIVE_HOLIDAY – TYPE_13_NOTICE_WORKED – TYPE_14_MEDICAL_LICENSE_PAID_BY_COMPANY – TYPE_15_ABSENCES – TYPE_16_OVERTIME – TYPE_17_TIME_TRACKING – TYPE_18_READINESS – TYPE_19_MATERNITY_LICENSE_INSS – TYPE_20_ASSOCIATION_MANDATE – TYPE_21_USED_VACATION_TAKEN – TYPE_22_RETIREMENT – TYPE_23_WORK_ACCIDENT_LICENSE_PAID_BY_COMPANY – TYPE_24_CITIZEN_COMPANY_MATERNITY – TYPE_99_OTHER – TYPE_25_PROFESSIONAL_QUALIFICATION deficiencyType: type: string enum: – PHYSICAL – AUDITORY – VISUAL – MENTAL – INTELLECTUAL – OTHER – NOT_FOUND state: type: string enum: – AC – AL – AP – AM – BA – CE – DF – ES – GO – MA – MT – MS – MG – PA – PB – PR – PE – PI – RJ – RN – RS – RO – RR – SC – SP – SE – TO specialRetirementType: type: string enum: – DOES_NOT_HAVE_SPECIAL_RETIREMENT – NO_EXPOSURE_TO_HARMFUL_AGENTS_EMPLOYEE_ALREADY_EXPOSED – SPECIAL_RETIREMENT_AT_FIFTEEN_YEARS_OF_SERVICE – SPECIAL_RETIREMENT_AT_TWENTY_YEARS_OF_SERVICE – SPECIAL_RETIREMENT_AT_TWENTY_FIVE_YEARS_OF_SERVICE workEnvironmentType: type: string enum: – OWN_EMPLOYER – THIRD hireType: type: string enum: – Empty – FirstJob – Reemprego – TransferWithOnus – TransferWithoutOnus – Incorporation – Reintegration – Reconstruction – Reversal – Provisional – Request – Redistribution – Decentralized – Removal – Readaptation statusType: type: string enum: – SCHEDULED – INTEGRATING – PROCESSING_RESEND – SENT_TO_PROVIDER – ON_PROVIDER – INTEGRATION_ERROR – INTEGRATION_ERROR_PROVIDER – WARNING – CANCELED – IN_ANALYSIS – ANALYSIS_ERROR – IRRELEVANT – CANCEL_REGENERATED – WAITING_RETRY_SCHEDULER – WAITING_PENDENCY_EVALUATION – REFERENCE_PENDENCY – WAITING_VALIDATION integrationType: type: string enum: – INITIAL_LOAD – NEW_EMPLOYEE – EMPLOYEE_CHANGE – EMPLOYEE_ESOCIAL_REGISTRATION – HISTORICAL_COMPANY – HISTORICAL_COMPANY_BRANCH – HISTORICAL_COST_CENTER – HISTORICAL_WORKSTATION – HISTORICAL_DEPARTMENT – HISTORICAL_JOB_POSITION – HISTORICAL_WORKSHIFT – HISTORICAL_LEAVE – HISTORICAL_ESOCIAL_CATEGORY – HISTORICAL_SALARY_PREMIUM – DISMISSAL – HISTORICAL_WORK_ENVIRONMENT – REINTEGRATION providerType: type: string enum: – CUSTOM – DR_OCUPACIONAL – GSO – LABORTEC – MED_NET – NEXO_CS – RS_DATA – SOC – SOFTWARE_SGG – TAP – SBOS pagination: type: object required: – current – size properties: current: type: integer description: Página de início. size: type: integer description: Quantidade de registros por página. orderBy: type: array items: #/definitions/ordination description: Ordenar por. ordination: type: object required: – field properties: field: type: string description: Campo que será ordenado. direction: #/definitions/directionType integration: type: object required: – externalId – operationType – statusType – integrationType – receiptDate – lotWorkstation properties: id: type: string description: format: uuid externalId: type: string description: Id do colaborador no Payroll. externalHistoricId: type: string description: Id de histórico do colaborador no Payroll. operationType: #/definitions/operationType employee: #/definitions/employee statusType: #/definitions/statusType integrationType: #/definitions/integrationType receiptDate: type: string description: Data e hora do recebimento do colaborador. format: date-time sendDate: type: string description: Data e hora do envio para o provedor SST. format: date-time scheduledDate: type: string description: Data de agendamento para envio da pendencia. format: date dateWhen: type: string description: Data do histórico gerado. format: date integrationMessage: type: string description: Mensagem da integração. stackTrace: type: string description: StackTrace do erro. companyCode: type: integer description: Código da empresa. companyName: type: string description: Nome da empresa. companyBranchCode: type: integer description: Código da filial. companyBranchName: type: string description: Razão social. branchName: type: string description: Nome da filial. employeeCode: type: integer description: Código do colaborador. eSocialRegistration: type: string description: Matrícula do e-Social. cpfNumber: type: string description: Número do CPF. employeeName: type: string description: Nome do colaborador. providerCompanyIdentification: type: string description: Identificação da empresa no prestador SST. providerEmployeeIdentification: type: string description: Identificação única do colaborador no sistema do prestador SST providerPreviousEmployeeIdentification: type: string description: Identificação única anterior do colaborador no sistema do prestador SST integrationSequence: type: integer description: Identificação da empresa no prestador SST. cancelationReason: type: string description: Motivo cancelamento. previewSendDate: type: string description: Data prevista para envio format: date-time lotWorkstation: type: string description: Lote do histórico de posto de trabalho changes: type: string description: Mudanças em relação a última integração externalSystem: type: string description: Sistema terceiro integrationOrigin: type: string description: Pendência de integração de origem providerType: #/definitions/providerType providerName: type: string description: Nome do prestador SST regenerateAttempts: type: integer description: Número de tentativas de regerar a pendência referenceDate: type: string description: Data de referência das informações básicas do colaborador. format: date providerPreviousCompanyIdentification: type: string description: Identificação da empresa anterior do colaborador no prestador SST. cpfChange: type: boolean description: Foi feita uma mudança no número de cpf do colaborador. regeneratedByUser: type: boolean description: Essa pendência foi regerada pelo usuário. integrationErrorCode: type: string description: Código de identificação da mensagem de erro. classification: type: integer description: Classificação para processamento da pendência. resendScheduledErrorAttempts: type: integer description: Número de tentativas de reenvio automático de pendências integrationNote: type: string description: Nota sobre a pendência previousProviderType: #/definitions/providerType previousProviderName: type: string description: Nome do prestador SST anterior para o qual a pendencia foi enviada employee: type: object required: – externalId – situationType – company – companyBranch properties: id: type: string description: format: uuid externalId: type: string description: Id externo do colaborador (no Payroll). employeeType: #/definitions/employeeType code: type: integer description: Código do colaborador. eSocialRegistration: type: string description: Matrícula do e-Social. name: type: string description: Nome do colaborador. socialName: type: string description: Nome social cpfNumber: type: string description: Número do CPF. nisNumber: type: string description: Número do NIS. birthday: type: string description: Data de nascimento. format: date hireDate: type: string description: Data de admissão. format: date maritalStatusType: #/definitions/maritalStatusType genderType: #/definitions/genderType situationType: #/definitions/situationType contractType: #/definitions/contractType eSocialCategory: #/definitions/eSocialCategory isDeficient: type: boolean description: Colaborador é deficiente? company: #/definitions/company companyBranch: #/definitions/companyBranch costCenter: #/definitions/costCenter department: #/definitions/department jobPosition: #/definitions/jobPosition shift: #/definitions/shift workstation: #/definitions/workstation reasonLeave: #/definitions/reasonLeave deficiencies: type: array items: #/definitions/deficiency description: Deficiência do colaborador. dismissalDate: type: string description: Data de demissão. format: date ctpsNumber: type: string description: Número da carteira de trabalho ctpsSerie: type: string description: Série da carteira de trabalho ctpsIssuanceDate: type: string description: Data de emissão da carteira de trabalho format: date ctpsSerieDigit: type: string description: Digito da carteira de trabalho ctpsState: #/definitions/state rgNumber: type: string description: Carteira de identidade rgIssuer: type: string description: Orgão emissor da carteira de identidade rgState: #/definitions/state rgIssuanceDate: type: string description: Data de emissão da carteira de identidade format: date numberContractSameHireDate: type: integer description: Número de contratos do colaborador previousCompany: #/definitions/company previousCompanyBranch: #/definitions/companyBranch salaryPremium: #/definitions/salaryPremium previousEmployeeType: #/definitions/employeeType previousCode: type: integer description: Código anterior do colaborador workEnvironment: #/definitions/workEnvironment hireType: #/definitions/hireType reintegrationCompanyOrigin: #/definitions/company reintegrationEmployeeTypeOrigin: #/definitions/employeeType reintegrationCodeOrigin: type: integer description: Código origem da reintegração do colaborador eSocialCategory: type: object required: – code – dateWhen properties: id: type: string description: format: uuid code: #/definitions/eSocialCategoryType dateWhen: type: string description: Data do histórico da categoria eSocial (A partir de). format: date company: type: object required: – code – name properties: id: type: string description: format: uuid code: type: integer description: Código da empresa. name: type: string description: Nome da empresa. companyBranch: type: object required: – code – name – subscriptionType – subscriptionNumber – dateWhen properties: id: type: string description: format: uuid code: type: integer description: Código da filial. name: type: string description: Razão social da filial. companyBranchName: type: string description: Nome da filial. subscriptionType: #/definitions/subscriptionType subscriptionNumber: type: string description: Número da inscrição. dateWhen: type: string description: Data do histórico da filial (A partir de). format: date costCenter: type: object required: – code – name – dateWhen properties: id: type: string description: format: uuid code: type: string description: Código do centro de custo. name: type: string description: Nome do centro de custo. dateWhen: type: string description: Data do histórico do centro de custo (A partir de). format: date department: type: object required: – code – structureCode – name – dateWhen properties: id: type: string description: format: uuid code: type: string description: Código do local. structureCode: type: integer description: Código de organograma do local. name: type: string description: Nome do local. dateWhen: type: string description: Data do histórico do Setor (A partir de). format: date jobPosition: type: object required: – code – structureCode – name – dateWhen properties: id: type: string description: format: uuid code: type: string description: Código do cargo. structureCode: type: string description: Código da estrutura do cargo cboCode: type: string description: Código do CBO do cargo. name: type: string description: Nome do cargo. dateWhen: type: string description: Data do histórico de Cargo (A partir de). format: date shift: type: object required: – code – name – dateWhen properties: id: type: string description: format: uuid code: type: integer description: Código do turno. name: type: string description: Nome do turno. dateWhen: type: string description: Data do histórico da Turno (A partir de). format: date workshiftScaleType: #/definitions/workshiftScaleType workstation: type: object required: – code – structureCode – name – dateWhen properties: id: type: string description: format: uuid code: type: string description: Código do posto de trabalho. structureCode: type: integer description: Estrutura do posto de trabalho. name: type: string description: Nome do posto de trabalho. dateWhen: type: string description: Data do histórico do posto de trabalho (A partir de). format: date reasonLeave: type: object required: – code – name – startDate properties: id: type: string description: format: uuid code: type: integer description: Código do motivo. name: type: string description: Nome do motivo. startDate: type: string description: Data de início do afastamento. format: date-time estimatedEndDate: type: string description: Data de previsão de término do afastamento. format: date endDate: type: string description: Data de término do afastamento. format: date-time transferReasonType: #/definitions/transferReasonType timeTrackingType: #/definitions/timeTrackingType deficiency: type: object required: – code – name – isMainDeficiency – deficiencyType – dateWhen – isRehabilitated properties: id: type: string description: format: uuid code: type: integer description: Código da deficiência. name: type: string description: Nome da deficiência. isMainDeficiency: type: boolean description: É a deficiência principal? deficiencyType: #/definitions/deficiencyType dateWhen: type: string description: Data de início da deficiência. format: date isRehabilitated: type: boolean description: Reabilitado. employee: #/definitions/employee salaryPremium: type: object required: – dateWhen – specialRetirementType properties: id: type: string description: format: uuid dateWhen: type: string description: Data de inicio format: date endDate: type: string description: Data fim format: date insalubrity: type: number description: Insalubridade format: double hazard: type: number description: Periculosidade format: double lengthOfService: type: number description: Fator tempo de serviço format: double specialRetirementType: #/definitions/specialRetirementType workEnvironment: type: object required: – location – code – name – subscriptionType – subscriptionNumber – dateWhen properties: id: type: string description: format: uuid location: #/definitions/workEnvironmentType code: type: string description: Código do ambiente de trabalho name: type: string description: Nome do ambiente de trabalho subscriptionType: #/definitions/subscriptionType subscriptionNumber: type: string description: Número de inscrição. dateWhen: type: string description: Data do histórico de ambiente de trabalho (A partir de) format: date genericError: properties: message: type: string description: Messaging describing the error. reason: type: string description: A symbolic code identifying the category of the reason of the error. enum: – BAD_REQUEST – UNAUTHORIZED – PAYMENT_REQUIRED – FORBIDDEN – OBJECT_NOT_FOUND – REQUEST_TIMEOUT – GONE – UNPROCESSABLE – INTERNAL_ERROR – NOT_IMPLEMENTED – SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE – INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE