Gestão de Pessoas (hcm)

2.0info: 9.128.0 Folha de Pagamento description: HCM – Folha de pagamento x-senior-domain: hcm x-senior-domain-path: hcm x-senior-service-path: payroll contact: name: Senior X Platform url: email: /hcm/payrollsecurityDefinitions: bearerAuth: type: apiKey in: header name: Authorization – application/json – application/jsonparameters: clientId: name: client_id type: string in: header required: true description: Identificação da aplicação cadastrada no portal do desenvolvedor ( /blobServiceRequestAccess: post: description: Solicitação para acessar um arquivo x-senior-event: false deprecated: false tags: – Endpoints security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: input in: body required: true schema: type: object required: – fileId properties: fileId: type: string description: O identificador único do arquivo. Composto pelo ID + o nome do arquivo (separados por /) ttl: type: integer description: Tempo em minutos que o arquivo deve ficar disponível para download no link que será retornado (padrão 30 minutos) thumbnail: type: boolean description: Se for verdadeiro, entende que o arquivo é uma foto e que deve ser retornado seu Thumbnail(128X128px) responses: 200: description: Ok schema: type: object required: – result properties: result: #/definitions/blobServiceRequestAccessData default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /employeeQuery: post: description: Retorna os dados de admissão do colaborador x-senior-event: false deprecated: false tags: – Endpoints security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: input in: body required: true schema: type: object required: – employeeId properties: employeeId: type: string description: Id do colaborador responses: 200: description: Ok schema: type: object required: – result properties: result: #/definitions/employeeAdmissionData default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: Retorna os dados de admissão do colaborador x-senior-event: false deprecated: false tags: – Endpoints security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: input in: body required: true schema: type: object required: – employeeId properties: employeeId: type: string description: Id do colaborador responses: 200: description: Ok schema: type: object required: – result properties: result: #/definitions/employeeAdmissionData default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /updateEmployeeRegisterNumber: post: description: Altera o register number de um colaborador, apenas na tabela, na meta não (updateEmployeeRegisterNumber) x-senior-event: false deprecated: false tags: – Endpoints security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: input in: body required: true schema: type: object required: – hcmId – newRegisterNumber properties: hcmId: type: string description: Id do Colaborador newRegisterNumber: type: integer description: Novo registerNumber responses: 200: description: Ok schema: type: object required: – success properties: success: type: boolean description: Retorna se foi realizado com sucesso default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /historicalleaveCreated: post: description: Event of historicalleave create x-senior-event: true deprecated: false tags: – Events security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: input in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/historicalleave responses: 200: description: Ok default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /historicalleaveDeleted: post: description: Event of historicalleave delete x-senior-event: true deprecated: false tags: – Events security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: input in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/historicalleave responses: 200: description: Ok default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /historicalleaveMerged: post: description: Event of historicalleave merge x-senior-event: true deprecated: false tags: – Events security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: input in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/historicalleave responses: 200: description: Ok default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /historicalleaveUpdated: post: description: Event of historicalleave update x-senior-event: true deprecated: false tags: – Events security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: input in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/historicalleave responses: 200: description: Ok default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /historicaljobpositionCreated: post: description: Event of historicalJobPosition create x-senior-event: true deprecated: false tags: – Events security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: input in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/historicalJobPosition responses: 200: description: Ok default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /historicaljobpositionDeleted: post: description: Event of historicalJobPosition delete x-senior-event: true deprecated: false tags: – Events security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: input in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/historicalJobPosition responses: 200: description: Ok default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /historicaljobpositionMerged: post: description: Event of historicalJobPosition merge x-senior-event: true deprecated: false tags: – Events security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: input in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/historicalJobPosition responses: 200: description: Ok default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /historicaljobpositionUpdated: post: description: Event of historicalJobPosition update x-senior-event: true deprecated: false tags: – Events security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: input in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/historicalJobPosition responses: 200: description: Ok default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/historicalEmploymentRelationship: post: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/historicalEmploymentRelationship responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: #/definitions/historicalEmploymentRelationship default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError patch: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/historicalEmploymentRelationship responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: #/definitions/historicalEmploymentRelationship default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: offset in: query type: number – name: size in: query type: number responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: type: array items: #/definitions/historicalEmploymentRelationship default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/historicalEmploymentRelationship/{id}: put: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/historicalEmploymentRelationship responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/historicalEmploymentRelationship default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError patch: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/historicalEmploymentRelationship responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/historicalEmploymentRelationship default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/historicalEmploymentRelationship default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError delete: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string responses: 200: description: Ok default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/historicalEmploymentRelationship/bulk: post: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entities in: body required: true schema: type: array items: #/definitions/historicalEmploymentRelationship responses: 200: description: The bulk creation has created resources default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/actingtype: post: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/actingtype responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: #/definitions/actingtype default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError patch: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/actingtype responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: #/definitions/actingtype default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: offset in: query type: number – name: size in: query type: number responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: type: array items: #/definitions/actingtype default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/actingtype/{id}: put: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/actingtype responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/actingtype default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError patch: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/actingtype responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/actingtype default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/actingtype default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError delete: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string responses: 200: description: Ok default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/actingtype/bulk: post: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entities in: body required: true schema: type: array items: #/definitions/actingtype responses: 200: description: The bulk creation has created resources default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/account: post: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/account responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: #/definitions/account default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError patch: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/account responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: #/definitions/account default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: offset in: query type: number – name: size in: query type: number responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: type: array items: #/definitions/account default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/account/{id}: put: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/account responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/account default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError patch: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/account responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/account default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/account default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError delete: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string responses: 200: description: Ok default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/account/bulk: post: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entities in: body required: true schema: type: array items: #/definitions/account responses: 200: description: The bulk creation has created resources default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/personphonecontact: post: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/personphonecontact responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: #/definitions/personphonecontact default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError patch: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/personphonecontact responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: #/definitions/personphonecontact default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: offset in: query type: number – name: size in: query type: number responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: type: array items: #/definitions/personphonecontact default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/personphonecontact/{id}: put: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/personphonecontact responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/personphonecontact default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError patch: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/personphonecontact responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/personphonecontact default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/personphonecontact default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError delete: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string responses: 200: description: Ok default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/personphonecontact/bulk: post: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entities in: body required: true schema: type: array items: #/definitions/personphonecontact responses: 200: description: The bulk creation has created resources default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/movimentation: post: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/movimentation responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: #/definitions/movimentation default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError patch: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/movimentation responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: #/definitions/movimentation default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: offset in: query type: number – name: size in: query type: number responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: type: array items: #/definitions/movimentation default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/movimentation/{id}: put: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/movimentation responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/movimentation default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError patch: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/movimentation responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/movimentation default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/movimentation default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError delete: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string responses: 200: description: Ok default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/movimentation/bulk: post: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entities in: body required: true schema: type: array items: #/definitions/movimentation responses: 200: description: The bulk creation has created resources default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/email: post: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/email responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: #/definitions/email default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError patch: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/email responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: #/definitions/email default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: offset in: query type: number – name: size in: query type: number responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: type: array items: #/definitions/email default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/email/{id}: put: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/email responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/email default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError patch: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/email responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/email default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/email default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError delete: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string responses: 200: description: Ok default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/email/bulk: post: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entities in: body required: true schema: type: array items: #/definitions/email responses: 200: description: The bulk creation has created resources default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/address: get: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: offset in: query type: number – name: size in: query type: number responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: type: array items: #/definitions/address default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/historicalWorkEnvironment: post: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/historicalWorkEnvironment responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: #/definitions/historicalWorkEnvironment default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError patch: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/historicalWorkEnvironment responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: #/definitions/historicalWorkEnvironment default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: offset in: query type: number – name: size in: query type: number responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: type: array items: #/definitions/historicalWorkEnvironment default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/historicalWorkEnvironment/{id}: put: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/historicalWorkEnvironment responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/historicalWorkEnvironment default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError patch: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/historicalWorkEnvironment responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/historicalWorkEnvironment default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/historicalWorkEnvironment default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError delete: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string responses: 200: description: Ok default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/historicalWorkEnvironment/bulk: post: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entities in: body required: true schema: type: array items: #/definitions/historicalWorkEnvironment responses: 200: description: The bulk creation has created resources default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/historicalJobPosition: post: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/historicalJobPosition responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: #/definitions/historicalJobPosition default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError patch: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/historicalJobPosition responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: #/definitions/historicalJobPosition default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: offset in: query type: number – name: size in: query type: number responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: type: array items: #/definitions/historicalJobPosition default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/historicalJobPosition/{id}: put: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/historicalJobPosition responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/historicalJobPosition default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError patch: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/historicalJobPosition responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/historicalJobPosition default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/historicalJobPosition default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError delete: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string responses: 200: description: Ok default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/historicalJobPosition/bulk: post: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entities in: body required: true schema: type: array items: #/definitions/historicalJobPosition responses: 200: description: The bulk creation has created resources default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/paymentRelationship: get: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: offset in: query type: number – name: size in: query type: number responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: type: array items: #/definitions/paymentRelationship default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/phonecontact: post: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/phonecontact responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: #/definitions/phonecontact default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError patch: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/phonecontact responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: #/definitions/phonecontact default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: offset in: query type: number – name: size in: query type: number responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: type: array items: #/definitions/phonecontact default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/phonecontact/{id}: put: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/phonecontact responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/phonecontact default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError patch: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/phonecontact responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/phonecontact default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/phonecontact default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError delete: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string responses: 200: description: Ok default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/phonecontact/bulk: post: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entities in: body required: true schema: type: array items: #/definitions/phonecontact responses: 200: description: The bulk creation has created resources default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/document: post: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/document responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: #/definitions/document default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError patch: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/document responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: #/definitions/document default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: offset in: query type: number – name: size in: query type: number responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: type: array items: #/definitions/document default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/document/{id}: put: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/document responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/document default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError patch: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/document responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/document default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/document default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError delete: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string responses: 200: description: Ok default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/document/bulk: post: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entities in: body required: true schema: type: array items: #/definitions/document responses: 200: description: The bulk creation has created resources default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/historicalCostCenter: post: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/historicalCostCenter responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: #/definitions/historicalCostCenter default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError patch: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/historicalCostCenter responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: #/definitions/historicalCostCenter default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: offset in: query type: number – name: size in: query type: number responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: type: array items: #/definitions/historicalCostCenter default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/historicalCostCenter/{id}: put: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/historicalCostCenter responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/historicalCostCenter default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError patch: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/historicalCostCenter responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/historicalCostCenter default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/historicalCostCenter default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError delete: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string responses: 200: description: Ok default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/historicalCostCenter/bulk: post: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entities in: body required: true schema: type: array items: #/definitions/historicalCostCenter responses: 200: description: The bulk creation has created resources default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/workstationgroupstructure: post: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/workstationgroupstructure responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: #/definitions/workstationgroupstructure default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError patch: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/workstationgroupstructure responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: #/definitions/workstationgroupstructure default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: offset in: query type: number – name: size in: query type: number responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: type: array items: #/definitions/workstationgroupstructure default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/workstationgroupstructure/{id}: put: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/workstationgroupstructure responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/workstationgroupstructure default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError patch: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/workstationgroupstructure responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/workstationgroupstructure default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/workstationgroupstructure default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError delete: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string responses: 200: description: Ok default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/workstationgroupstructure/bulk: post: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entities in: body required: true schema: type: array items: #/definitions/workstationgroupstructure responses: 200: description: The bulk creation has created resources default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/historicalWorkshift: post: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/historicalWorkshift responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: #/definitions/historicalWorkshift default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError patch: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/historicalWorkshift responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: #/definitions/historicalWorkshift default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: offset in: query type: number – name: size in: query type: number responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: type: array items: #/definitions/historicalWorkshift default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/historicalWorkshift/{id}: put: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/historicalWorkshift responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/historicalWorkshift default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError patch: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/historicalWorkshift responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/historicalWorkshift default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/historicalWorkshift default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError delete: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string responses: 200: description: Ok default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/historicalWorkshift/bulk: post: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entities in: body required: true schema: type: array items: #/definitions/historicalWorkshift responses: 200: description: The bulk creation has created resources default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/workstation: get: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: offset in: query type: number – name: size in: query type: number responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: type: array items: #/definitions/workstation default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/priorNotice: post: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/priorNotice responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: #/definitions/priorNotice default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError patch: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/priorNotice responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: #/definitions/priorNotice default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: offset in: query type: number – name: size in: query type: number responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: type: array items: #/definitions/priorNotice default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/priorNotice/{id}: put: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/priorNotice responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/priorNotice default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError patch: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/priorNotice responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/priorNotice default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/priorNotice default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError delete: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string responses: 200: description: Ok default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/priorNotice/bulk: post: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entities in: body required: true schema: type: array items: #/definitions/priorNotice responses: 200: description: The bulk creation has created resources default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/department: post: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/department responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: #/definitions/department default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError patch: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/department responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: #/definitions/department default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: offset in: query type: number – name: size in: query type: number responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: type: array items: #/definitions/department default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/department/{id}: put: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/department responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/department default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError patch: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/department responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/department default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/department default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError delete: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string responses: 200: description: Ok default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/department/bulk: post: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entities in: body required: true schema: type: array items: #/definitions/department responses: 200: description: The bulk creation has created resources default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/historicalEsocialCategory: post: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/historicalEsocialCategory responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: #/definitions/historicalEsocialCategory default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError patch: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/historicalEsocialCategory responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: #/definitions/historicalEsocialCategory default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: offset in: query type: number – name: size in: query type: number responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: type: array items: #/definitions/historicalEsocialCategory default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/historicalEsocialCategory/{id}: put: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/historicalEsocialCategory responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/historicalEsocialCategory default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError patch: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/historicalEsocialCategory responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/historicalEsocialCategory default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/historicalEsocialCategory default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError delete: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string responses: 200: description: Ok default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/historicalEsocialCategory/bulk: post: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entities in: body required: true schema: type: array items: #/definitions/historicalEsocialCategory responses: 200: description: The bulk creation has created resources default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/historicalExpenseNature: post: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/historicalExpenseNature responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: #/definitions/historicalExpenseNature default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError patch: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/historicalExpenseNature responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: #/definitions/historicalExpenseNature default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: offset in: query type: number – name: size in: query type: number responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: type: array items: #/definitions/historicalExpenseNature default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/historicalExpenseNature/{id}: put: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/historicalExpenseNature responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/historicalExpenseNature default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError patch: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/historicalExpenseNature responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/historicalExpenseNature default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/historicalExpenseNature default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError delete: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string responses: 200: description: Ok default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/historicalExpenseNature/bulk: post: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entities in: body required: true schema: type: array items: #/definitions/historicalExpenseNature responses: 200: description: The bulk creation has created resources default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/historicalleave: post: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/historicalleave responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: #/definitions/historicalleave default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError patch: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/historicalleave responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: #/definitions/historicalleave default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: offset in: query type: number – name: size in: query type: number responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: type: array items: #/definitions/historicalleave default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/historicalleave/{id}: put: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/historicalleave responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/historicalleave default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError patch: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/historicalleave responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/historicalleave default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/historicalleave default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError delete: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string responses: 200: description: Ok default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/historicalleave/bulk: post: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entities in: body required: true schema: type: array items: #/definitions/historicalleave responses: 200: description: The bulk creation has created resources default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/syndicate: post: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/syndicate responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: #/definitions/syndicate default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError patch: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/syndicate responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: #/definitions/syndicate default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: offset in: query type: number – name: size in: query type: number responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: type: array items: #/definitions/syndicate default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/syndicate/{id}: put: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/syndicate responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/syndicate default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError patch: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/syndicate responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/syndicate default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/syndicate default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError delete: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string responses: 200: description: Ok default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/syndicate/bulk: post: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entities in: body required: true schema: type: array items: #/definitions/syndicate responses: 200: description: The bulk creation has created resources default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/otherContract: post: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/otherContract responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: #/definitions/otherContract default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError patch: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/otherContract responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: #/definitions/otherContract default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: offset in: query type: number – name: size in: query type: number responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: type: array items: #/definitions/otherContract default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/otherContract/{id}: put: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/otherContract responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/otherContract default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError patch: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/otherContract responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/otherContract default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/otherContract default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError delete: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string responses: 200: description: Ok default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/otherContract/bulk: post: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entities in: body required: true schema: type: array items: #/definitions/otherContract responses: 200: description: The bulk creation has created resources default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/person: post: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/person responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: #/definitions/person default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError patch: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/person responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: #/definitions/person default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: offset in: query type: number – name: size in: query type: number responses: 200: description: The created resource schema: type: array items: #/definitions/person default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/person/{id}: put: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/person responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/person default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError patch: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string – name: entity in: body required: true schema: #/definitions/person responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/person default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string responses: 200: description: Ok schema: #/definitions/person default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError delete: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: id in: path required: true type: string responses: 200: description: Ok default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /entities/person/bulk: post: description: This entity is customizable. tags: – Entities security: – bearerAuth: [] parameters: – #/parameters/clientId – name: entities in: body required: true schema: type: array items: #/definitions/person responses: 200: description: The bulk creation has created resources default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericErrordefinitions: civilCertificateType: type: string enum: – BIRTH_CERTIFICATE – MARRIAGE_CERTIFICATE – INDIGENOUS_PERSONS_BIRTH_CERTIFICATE – DEATH_CERTIFICATE classOrganType: type: string enum: – CRM – RMS – CRO professionalCouncilSituationType: type: string enum: – DEFINITIVE – TEMPORARY documentType: type: string enum: – VOTER_REGISTRATION_CARD – DRIVERS_LICENSE – RESERVIST_CERTIFICATE – CIVIL_CERTIFICATE – PASSPORT – CIVILIAN_IDENTITY_REGISTRY – NATURALIZATION_DECREE – NATIONAL_HEALTH_CARD – DECLARATION_OF_LIVE_BIRTH – PROFESSIONAL_COUNCIL – RG – CPF – DEATH_CERTIFICATE – PROVISION_FUND – SOCIAL_INSURANCE – IDENTIFICATION_DOCUMENT racialType: type: string enum: – NotInformed – White – Black – Brown – Yellow – Indian genderType: type: string enum: – Male – Female maritalStatus: type: string enum: – Single – Married – Divorced – Widower – Concubinage – Separated – StableUnion – Others nationalityType: type: string enum: – BRAZILIAN – NATURALIZED_BRAZILIAN – ARGENTINE – BOLIVIAN – CHILEAN – PARAGUAYAN – URUGUAYAN – VENEZULAN – COLOMBIAN – PERUVIAN – EQUATORIAN – GERMAN – BELGIAN – BRITISH – CANADIAN – SPANISH – NORTH_AMERICAN – FRENCH – SWISS – ITALIAN – HAITIAN – JAPANESE – CHINESE – KOREAN – RUSSIAN – PORTUGUESE – SWENDISH – FINNISH – OTHER_LATIN_AMERICANS – OTHER_ASIANS – ENGALIAN – OTHER_EUROPEAN – GUINEAN – MOROCCAN – CUBAN – SYRIAN – SOUTH_KOREAN – ANGOLAN – CONGOLES – SOUTH_AFRICAN – PAKISTANI – INDIAN – GANES – SENEGALESE – OTHER_AMERICANS – OTHERS employeeContractType: type: string enum: – Employee – Manager – FarmWorker – Retired – Trainee – Apprentice – FixedDueDate – RetiredManager – PublicAgent – Teacher – CooperativeWorker – DomesticWorker – TeacherFixedDueDate – ThirdParty subscriptionType: type: string enum: – EMPTY – CNPJ – CEI – CPF – INCRA – CAEPF – CNO addressType: type: string enum: – Others – Airport – Lane – Area – Avenue – Balneary – Block – Field – Farmstead – Cologne – Condominium – Set – District – Terrace – Season – Road – ShantyTown – Farm – Market – Gallery – Granja – Garden – Slope – Lake – Lagoon – Long – Allotment – Hill – Core – Park – Footbridge – Courtyard – Square – Beach – Court – Nook – Residential – Highway – Street – Sector – Site – Bystreet – Excerpt – Clover – Valley – Path – Via – Viaduct – Alley – Village – Access – Camp – LocalAccess – Churchyard – SpecialArea – RightMarginalAvenue – LeftMarginalAvenue – RingRoad – LaterRoadBetween – Artery – High – Shortcut – GreenArea – ContourAvenue – MarginalAvenue – OldAvenue – Alleyway – Hole – Belvedere – Balloon – Blocks – Bulevar – Forest – Boulevard – Low – Pier – Sidewalk – Way – Channel – Chapadao – BicyclePath – CircularRoad – HousingComplex – RoadComplex – Community – Hall – Stream – Contour – Descent – Detour – BetweenBlock – IntermunicipalRoad – Cove – PrivateEntrance – BetweenQuarter – Ladder – Staircase – StateHighway – VicinalRoad – RoadConnection – MunicipalRoad – RoadToSerfdom – OldRoad – LaterRoad – Stadium – Office – PrivateRoad – Parking – Evangelical – Lofty – IndustrialAxis – Railroad – Source – Strong – HousingNucleus – Island – Undetermined – Islet – Window – Lot – Marketplace – Marina – Module – Projection – Mount – RuralNucleus – Knoll – Parallel – Tour – SportsSquare – Stop – RestArea – Tip – Prolonging – CityPark – ResidentialPark – Passage – PedestrianWalkway – UndergroundPassage – Bridge – Port – Fifth – Farms – IntegrationStreet – LinkStreet – PrivateStreet – OldStreet – Branch – Playground – Retreat – Straight – SideStreet – Ramp – RodoRing – Kneecap – PedestrianStreet – Margin – Return – Roundabout – SecondAvenue – Bondage – Uploading – Trench – Terminal – Tunnel – PrivateBystreet – OldBystreet – Unity – CollectorRoad – LocalWay – AccessWay – Ditch – CoastalWay – Expressway – HighRoad – CoastalRoad – Walkway – Variant – Zigzag companyType: type: string enum: – BRANCH_OFFICE – HEAD_OFFICE – WORK – TEMPORARY – WORK_COOPERATIVELY – DOMESTIC_WORKER – EMPLOYER_ESOCIAL apportionmentUseType: type: string enum: – DONT_USE_APPORTIONMENT – APPORTIONMENT_BY_DEPARTMENT – APPORTIONMENT_BY_COST_CENTER takersRoutineUseType: type: string enum: – BY_COMPANY_BRANCH – BY_APPORTIONMENT apportionmentDiscountType: type: string enum: – TYPE_1 – TYPE_2 employeeType: type: string enum: – NULL – EMPLOYEE – THIRD – PARTNER contractNationalityType: type: string enum: – National – Foreign – Expatriate hireType: type: string enum: – Empty – FirstJob – Reemprego – TransferWithOnus – TransferWithoutOnus – Incorporation – Reintegration – Reconstruction – Reversal – Provisional – Request – Redistribution – Decentralized – Removal – Readaptation kinshipDegree: type: string enum: – Adopted – Child – Concubine – ExSpouse – ExPartner – Grandparent – Grandchild – GreatGrandparent – GreatGrandchild – Guardianship – NephewNiece – Other – Parent – FatherInLaw – Partner – Pensioners – Pupil – Sibling – SonDaughterInLaw – Spouse – Stepfather – Stepmother – Stepchild – Trusted – UncleAunt – Tutor degreeInstructionType: type: string enum: – Illiterate – ElementarySchoolIncomplete – ElementarySchoolComplete – MiddleSchoolIncomplete – MiddleSchoolComplete – HighSchoolIncomplete – HighSchoolComplete – BachelorIncomplete – BachelorComplete – Postgraduate – Master – Doctoral eSocialCategory: type: string enum: – Category_101 – Category_102 – Category_103 – Category_104 – Category_105 – Category_106 – Category_107 – Category_108 – Category_111 – Category_201 – Category_202 – Category_301 – Category_302 – Category_303 – Category_304 – Category_305 – Category_306 – Category_307 – Category_308 – Category_309 – Category_310 – Category_311 – Category_312 – Category_313 – Category_401 – Category_410 – Category_701 – Category_711 – Category_712 – Category_721 – Category_722 – Category_723 – Category_731 – Category_734 – Category_738 – Category_741 – Category_751 – Category_761 – Category_771 – Category_781 – Category_901 – Category_902 – Category_903 – Category_904 – Category_905 – Category_9995 – Category_9996 – Category_9997 – Category_9999 – Category_501 – Category_906 raisType: type: string enum: – Type_10 – Type_15 – Type_20 – Type_25 – Type_30 – Type_31 – Type_35 – Type_40 – Type_49 – Type_50 – Type_55 – Type_60 – Type_65 – Type_70 – Type_75 – Type_80 – Type_90 – Type_95 – Type_96 – Type_97 vacationRightType: type: string enum: – TYPE_Q_1_12_EVERY_30_DAYS_AND_GREATER_THAN_15_DAYS_IN_THE_END – TYPE_C_1_12_EVERY_CIVIL_MONTH_GREATER_15_DAYS – TYPE_M_CONSIDER_THE_BIGGEST_OF_ALL calculationAveragePriorNoticeType: type: string enum: – CLT – AGREED priorNoticeDaysInCountType: type: string enum: – FORECAST_COUNTING – NOT_FORECAST daysAdditionInCountType: type: string enum: – CONSIDERED_IN_CALCULATION – NOT_CONSIDERED startCountAdditionType: type: string enum: – HIRE_DATE – NEXT_YEAR_HIRE_DATE formAdditionCountType: type: string enum: – FULL_YEAR – FACTORIAL_SIX_MONTHS useDifferentiatedNoticeType: type: string enum: – TYPE_1 – TYPE_2 – TYPE_3 – TYPE_4 – TYPE_5 formDisregardWithdrawalDayType: type: string enum: – NOT_CONSIDERED – YEAR_CALCULATION – TOTAL_OF_DAYS_CALCULATION accountType: type: string enum: – CurrentAccount – SavingsAccount – SalaryAccount – Others emailType: type: string enum: – Personal – Professional phoneContactType: type: string enum: – Personal – Professional – Mobile – BusinessFax – PersonalFax – Other otherContractType: type: string enum: – SINGLE_CONTRACT – OTHER_CONTRACT_OFF_SYSTEM – OTHER_CONTRACT_WITHIN_SYSTEM – CONTRACT_OUT_SAME_CPF timeTrackingType: type: string enum: – TYPE_01_WORKING – TYPE_02_VACATION – TYPE_03_AID_DISEASE – TYPE_04_WORK_ACCIDENT – TYPE_05_MILITARY_SERVICE – TYPE_06_MATERNITY_LICENSE – TYPE_07_FIRED – TYPE_08_LICENSE_WITHOUT_PAY – TYPE_09_PAID_BY_COMPANY_LICENSE – TYPE_10_PAID_BY_EMPLOYEE_LICENSE – TYPE_11_PATERNITY_LICENSE – TYPE_12_COLLECTIVE_HOLIDAY – TYPE_13_NOTICE_WORKED – TYPE_14_MEDICAL_LICENSE_PAID_BY_COMPANY – TYPE_15_ABSENCES – TYPE_16_OVERTIME – TYPE_17_TIME_TRACKING – TYPE_18_READINESS – TYPE_19_MATERNITY_LICENSE_INSS – TYPE_20_ASSOCIATION_MANDATE – TYPE_21_USED_VACATION_TAKEN – TYPE_22_RETIREMENT – TYPE_23_WORK_ACCIDENT_LICENSE_PAID_BY_COMPANY – TYPE_24_CITIZEN_COMPANY_MATERNITY – TYPE_99_OTHER – TYPE_25_PROFESSIONAL_QUALIFICATION generateStabilityType: type: string enum: – NO – INITIAL_LEAVE – FINAL_LEAVE – LEAVE_DAYS stabilityType: type: string enum: – NOT_STABLE – ELECTED_CIPA – WORK_ACCIDENT – MATERNITY_ASSISTANCE – MILITARY_SERVICE – UNION_MANDATE – GOVERNMENT_EMPLOYEE – RETURN_HOLIDAYS – SICK_PAY – NEAR_RETIREMENT – COLLECTIVE_AGREEMENT – PREVIOUS_TIME_FGTS_OPTION – NOT_OPTING_FGTS – CIPA_EMPLOYER – MEMBER_OF_COMMISSION_FOR_PRIOR_CONCILIATION – MEMBER_OF_FGTS_CURATOR_COUNCIL – MEMBER_OF_NATIONAL_COUNCIL_OF_SOCIAL_SECURITY – EDUCATION_AID – CONSUMER_COOPERATIVE – CREDIT_UNION – PERSON_WITH_DISABILITY – COOPERATIVE_OF_SYNDICATE – CIPATR – PATERNITY_LEAVE – ELECTORAL_MANDATE – CIPA_CANDIDATE – ELECT_ALTERNATE_CIPA – OTHER – ELECTED_EMPLOYEE_REPRESENTATIVES_COMMITTEE – JOURNEY_REDUCTION_COVID_19_25_50 – JOURNEY_REDUCTION_COVID_19_50_70 – JOURNEY_REDUCTION_COVID_19_70 – TEMPORARY_SUSPENSION_COVID_19 – GESTATION_PERIOD loseVacationRightType: type: string enum: – TYPE_A_LOSE_RIGHT_GREATER_THAN_180_DAYS – TYPE_L_LOSE_RIGHT_GREATER_THAN_30_DAYS – TYPE_I_INTERRUPTS_AND_CONTINUES_ON_RETURN – TYPE_P_LOSE_FRACTION_CORRESPONDING_TO_THE_MONTH – TYPE_N_NOT_CONSIDER_FOR_VACATION_RIGHT_CALCULATION attendantType: type: string enum: – INTERNAL – EXTERNAL workAccidentType: type: string enum: – TRAMPLING – COLLISION – OTHERS movimentationRaisType: type: string enum: – TYPE_10 – TYPE_20 – TYPE_30 – TYPE_40 – TYPE_50 – TYPE_60 – TYPE_70 – TYPE_85 transferReasonType: type: string enum: – TRANSFER_COMPANY – TRANSFER_COMPANY_BRANCH – NO_REASON_TRANSFER dateDismissalWarningType: type: string enum: – YES – NO – WARNING_DATE_EQUALS_DISMISSAL indemnifiedDaysType: type: string enum: – YES – NO – YES_BUT_NOT_SUM – HALF_OF_DAYS workScheduleType: type: string enum: – TYPE_1 – TYPE_2 – TYPE_3 – TYPE_4 – TYPE_5 – TYPE_6 – TYPE_7 – TYPE_8 eSocialType: type: string enum: – NOT_APPLICABLE – WARNING – SUSPENSION – RETIREMENT – SUCCESSION – SALARY_DESCRIPTION – DEFICIENCY – OTHERS – WORK_SCHEDULE – WORK_CONTRACT_OBS salaryDescriptionType: type: string enum: – SALARY_START – SALARY_END reopenedDaysType: type: string enum: – YES – NO – YES_WITHOUT_SUM daysInAdvanceType: type: string enum: – COMPANY – EMPLOYEE – NO determinedDeadlineType: type: string enum: – YES – NO warningNoticeType: type: string enum: – NOTICE_DAY – AFTER_NOTICE_DAY – AFTER_AVAILABLE_NOTICE_DAY dismissalReasonRaisType: type: string enum: – TYPE_10 – TYPE_11 – TYPE_12 – TYPE_20 – TYPE_21 – TYPE_22 – TYPE_30 – TYPE_31 – TYPE_32 – TYPE_33 – TYPE_34 – TYPE_40 – TYPE_50 – TYPE_60 – TYPE_62 – TYPE_63 – TYPE_64 – TYPE_70 – TYPE_71 – TYPE_72 – TYPE_73 – TYPE_74 – TYPE_75 – TYPE_76 – TYPE_78 – TYPE_79 – TYPE_80 – TYPE_90 fgtsWithdrawalCodeType: type: string enum: – TYPE_01 – TYPE_02 – TYPE_03 – TYPE_04 – TYPE_05 – TYPE_06 – TYPE_07 – TYPE_10 – TYPE_23 – TYPE_26 – TYPE_27 – TYPE_50 – TYPE_70 – TYPE_80_D – TYPE_80_T – TYPE_81_D – TYPE_81_T – TYPE_82_D – TYPE_82_T – TYPE_86 – TYPE_87_N – TYPE_88 – TYPE_91 – TYPE_92 – TYPE_93 – TYPE_94 – TYPE_95 – TYPE_96 cagedDispenseNoticeType: type: string enum: – TYPE_31 – TYPE_32 – TYPE_40 – TYPE_43 – TYPE_45 – TYPE_50 – TYPE_60 – TYPE_80 – TYPE_90 vacationFractionAndSalaryType: type: string enum: – NO – END_OF_THE_CONTRACT – INDEMNIFIED_DAYS payFamilySalaryType: type: string enum: – YES – NO – PROPORTIONAL payFgtsFineOnTerminateType: type: string enum: – YES_TYPE_01 – YES_TYPE_02 – YES_TYPE_03 – NO pay13IndemnifiedSalaryType: type: string enum: – NEVER – BIGGER_ZERO – BIGGER_FIFTEEN – CHECK payVacationProportionalType: type: string enum: – ALWAYS – CHECK – NO payIndemnifiedDissidioType: type: string enum: – YES_WITH_SUM – YES_WITHOUT_SUM – NO paySpecialLeaveType: type: string enum: – NO – JUST_OVERDUE – ALL controlRehireType: type: string enum: – YES – NO – DETERMINED_DEADLINE discountTransportationVoucherType: type: string enum: – NORMAL – INTEGRAL diseaseICD11ItemType: type: string enum: – CHAPTER – BLOCK – CATEGORY decisionPcD: type: string enum: – No – Also – Only workshiftType: type: string enum: – Permanent – AutomaticSearch – Defined – AutomaticGeneration – Intermittent holidayType: type: string enum: – OWN – BRANCH – LOCAL – NONE workshiftScale: type: string enum: – FIRST_SHIFT – SECOND_SHIFT – THIRD_SHIFT – FOURTH_SHIFT – MIXED – GENERAL currencyType: type: string enum: – Real – Dolar – Index salaryType: type: string enum: – Hourly – Daily – Weekly – Fortnightly – Monthly – Takers – Dynamic – ThirdParty movimentationReasonType: type: string enum: – HIRE – MERIT – REALLOCATION – PROMOTION originExpenseNatureType: type: string enum: – TYPED – GENERATED_BY_JOB_POSITION – GENERATED_BY_WORKSTATION jobActingType: type: string enum: – HOLDER – SUBSTITUTE additionalPaymentType: type: string enum: – TYPE_0 – TYPE_1 – TYPE_2 – TYPE_3 – TYPE_4 – TYPE_5 – TYPE_6 – TYPE_7 – TYPE_8 – TYPE_9 workEnvironmentType: type: string enum: – OWN_EMPLOYER – THIRD publicPlaceType: type: string enum: – TYPE_01 – TYPE_02 – TYPE_03 – TYPE_04 – TYPE_05 – TYPE_06 – TYPE_07 – TYPE_08 – TYPE_09 – TYPE_10 – TYPE_11 – TYPE_12 – TYPE_13 – TYPE_14 – TYPE_15 – TYPE_16 – TYPE_17 – TYPE_18 – TYPE_19 – TYPE_20 – TYPE_21 – TYPE_22 – TYPE_23 – TYPE_24 – TYPE_25 – TYPE_26 – TYPE_27 – TYPE_28 – TYPE_29 – TYPE_30 – TYPE_31 – TYPE_32 – TYPE_33 – TYPE_34 – TYPE_35 – TYPE_36 – TYPE_37 – TYPE_38 – TYPE_39 – TYPE_40 – TYPE_41 – TYPE_42 – TYPE_43 – TYPE_44 – TYPE_45 – TYPE_47 – TYPE_48 – TYPE_49 – TYPE_50 – TYPE_51 – TYPE_52 – TYPE_53 – TYPE_54 – TYPE_55 – TYPE_56 – TYPE_57 – TYPE_58 – TYPE_59 – TYPE_60 – TYPE_61 – TYPE_62 – TYPE_63 – TYPE_64 – TYPE_65 – TYPE_66 – TYPE_67 – TYPE_68 – TYPE_69 – TYPE_70 – TYPE_71 – TYPE_72 – TYPE_73 – TYPE_74 – TYPE_75 – TYPE_76 – TYPE_77 – TYPE_78 – TYPE_79 – TYPE_80 – TYPE_81 – TYPE_82 – TYPE_83 – TYPE_84 – TYPE_85 – TYPE_86 – TYPE_87 – TYPE_88 – TYPE_89 – TYPE_90 – TYPE_91 – TYPE_92 – TYPE_93 – TYPE_94 – TYPE_95 – TYPE_96 – TYPE_97 – TYPE_98 – TYPE_99 – TYPE_100 – TYPE_101 – TYPE_102 – TYPE_103 – TYPE_104 – TYPE_105 – TYPE_106 – TYPE_107 – TYPE_108 – TYPE_109 – TYPE_110 – TYPE_111 – TYPE_112 – TYPE_113 – TYPE_114 – TYPE_115 – TYPE_116 – TYPE_117 – TYPE_118 – TYPE_119 – TYPE_120 – TYPE_121 – TYPE_122 – TYPE_123 – TYPE_124 – TYPE_125 – TYPE_126 – TYPE_127 – TYPE_128 – TYPE_129 – TYPE_130 – TYPE_131 – TYPE_132 – TYPE_133 – TYPE_134 – TYPE_135 – TYPE_136 – TYPE_137 – TYPE_138 – TYPE_139 – TYPE_140 – TYPE_141 – TYPE_142 – TYPE_143 – TYPE_144 – TYPE_145 – TYPE_146 – TYPE_147 – TYPE_148 – TYPE_149 – TYPE_150 – TYPE_151 – TYPE_152 – TYPE_153 – TYPE_154 – TYPE_155 – TYPE_156 – TYPE_157 – TYPE_158 – TYPE_159 – TYPE_160 – TYPE_161 – TYPE_162 – TYPE_163 – TYPE_164 – TYPE_165 – TYPE_166 – TYPE_167 – TYPE_168 – TYPE_169 – TYPE_170 – TYPE_171 – TYPE_172 – TYPE_173 – TYPE_174 – TYPE_175 – TYPE_176 – TYPE_177 – TYPE_178 – TYPE_179 – TYPE_180 blobServiceRequestAccessData: type: object required: – ok – locationURI properties: ok: type: boolean description: Flag para indicar sucesso warning: type: boolean description: Flag para indicar sucesso com alerta message: type: string description: Mensagem de retorno locationURI: type: string description: URI onde o arquivo está disponível para download employeeAdmissionData: type: object required: – sheetInitial – sheetPersona properties: sheetInitial: #/definitions/initialData sheetPersona: #/definitions/personaData initialData: type: object required: – company – contractNationality – contractType – person properties: company: #/definitions/autocompleteData contractNationality: #/definitions/autocompleteEnumData contractType: #/definitions/autocompleteEnumData person: #/definitions/autocompleteData employee: #/definitions/autocompleteData admissionDraftId: type: string description: Id do rascunho da admissão autocompleteData: type: object required: – tableId properties: tableId: type: string description: Id da tabela name: type: string description: Descrição da tabela autocompleteEnumData: type: object required: – key properties: key: type: string description: Chave do enum value: type: string description: Valor do enum personaData: type: object required: – gender – degreeOfEducation – nationality properties: attachment: #/definitions/fileUploadedData nickname: type: string description: Apelido gender: #/definitions/autocompleteEnumData socialName: type: string description: Nome social fatherName: type: string description: Nome do pai motherName: type: string description: Nome da mãe birthday: type: string description: Data de nascimento format: date maritalStatus: #/definitions/autocompleteEnumData degreeOfEducation: #/definitions/autocompleteData nationality: #/definitions/autocompleteData race: #/definitions/autocompleteEnumData countryOfBirthday: #/definitions/autocompleteData stateOfBirthday: #/definitions/autocompleteData cityOfBirthday: #/definitions/autocompleteData country: #/definitions/autocompleteData administrativeRegion: #/definitions/autocompleteData cep: type: string description: CEP do endereço state: #/definitions/autocompleteData city: #/definitions/autocompleteData neighborhood: #/definitions/autocompleteData addressType: #/definitions/autocompleteEnumData addressName: type: string description: Nome da rua addressNumber: type: string description: Número do endereço addressComplement: type: string description: Complemento do endereço isDisability: type: boolean description: Tem deficiência? religion: #/definitions/autocompleteData isOccupantQuota: type: boolean description: É uma pessoa para preenchimento de cota? disabilities: type: array items: #/definitions/disabilityData description: Deficiências phones: type: array items: #/definitions/phoneData description: Telefones emails: type: array items: #/definitions/emailData description: E-mails customFieldsPerson: type: array items: #/definitions/customData description: Campos do customizados da entidade person ethnicity: #/definitions/autocompleteData fileUploadedData: type: object properties: attachmentId: type: string description: Id do anexo na base de dados fileId: type: string description: O identificador único do arquivo. Composto pelo ID + o nome do arquivo, separados por / type: string description: Versão do arquivo thumbnail: type: boolean description: Se for verdadeiro, entende que o arquivo é uma foto, e que deve ser criada a foto e seu Thumbnail(128X128px) permanentUrl: type: string description: Url do arquivo permanente disabilityData: type: object required: – disability – startDate – isRehabilitated – isMainDisability properties: id: type: string description: Id da deficiência disability: #/definitions/autocompleteData startDate: type: string description: Data de inicio da deficiência format: date isRehabilitated: type: boolean description: É reabilitado nesta deficiência? isMainDisability: type: boolean description: É a deficiência principal phoneData: type: object required: – countryCode – localCode – number – phoneType properties: id: type: string description: Id do telefone countryCode: type: string description: Código internacional localCode: type: string description: Código regional number: type: string description: Número do telefone extention: type: string description: Ramal do telefone phoneType: #/definitions/autocompleteEnumData emailData: type: object required: – email – emailType properties: id: type: string description: Id do email email: type: string description: Email da pessoa emailType: #/definitions/autocompleteEnumData customData: type: object required: – field properties: value: type: string description: Valor do campo field: type: string description: Nome do campo document: type: object properties: id: type: string description: Id do documento documentNumber: type: string description: Número do documento issuer: type: string description: Orgão emissor issuerState: #/definitions/state issuerCity: #/definitions/city issuerCountry: #/definitions/country dateOfIssue: type: string description: Data da expedição format: date expirationDate: type: string description: Data de validade format: date category: type: string description: Categoria civilCertificate: #/definitions/civilCertificateType termOfCivilCertificate: type: string description: Termo da certidão de nascimento notaryOffice: type: string description: Cartório da certidão de nascimento pageOfCivilCertificate: type: string description: Folha da certidão de nascimento bookOfCivilCertificate: type: string description: Livro da certidão de nascimento naturalizationDecree: type: string description: Portaria de naturalização votingDistrict: type: string description: Zona eleitoral serialOfVoterRegistrationCard: type: string description: Série do título de eleitor professionalCouncil: #/definitions/professionalcouncil professionalRegistry: type: string description: Registro profissional councilRegistry: type: string description: Registro do conselho professionalCouncilSituation: #/definitions/professionalCouncilSituationType professionalCouncilExpeditionDate: type: string description: Data da expedição do conselho profissional format: date professionalCouncilExpirationDate: type: string description: Data de validade do conselho profissional format: date firstDriverLicenceDate: type: string description: Data da primeira habilitação format: date documentType: #/definitions/documentType person: #/definitions/person dependent: #/definitions/dependent state: type: object properties: id: type: string description: Id do estado name: type: string description: Nome do estado abbreviation: type: string description: Abreviação do nome do estado countryId: #/definitions/country country: type: object properties: id: type: string description: Id do país name: type: string description: Nome do país abbreviation: type: string description: Abreviação do nome do país currency: #/definitions/currency currency: type: object properties: id: type: string description: Id da moeda name: type: string description: Nome symbol: type: string description: Simbolo city: type: object required: – name properties: id: type: string description: Id da cidade name: type: string description: Nome da cidade stateId: #/definitions/state professionalcouncil: type: object required: – code – name – region – classOrganType properties: id: type: string description: Identificador conselho profissional code: type: integer description: Código conselho profissional name: type: string description: Descrição conselho profissional headquarter: #/definitions/city region: type: string description: Região conselho profissional classOrganType: #/definitions/classOrganType person: type: object required: – firstname – lastname – gender – educationdegree – nationality – isdisabledperson properties: id: type: string description: Id da pessoa firstname: type: string description: Primeiro nome middlename: type: string description: Nome do meio lastname: type: string description: Último nome username: type: string description: Nome de usuário cpf: type: string description: Número de CPF race: #/definitions/racialType nickname: type: string description: Apelido gender: #/definitions/genderType maritalstatus: #/definitions/maritalStatus birthday: type: string description: Data de aniversário format: date educationdegree: type: string description: Relacionamento com grau de instrução nationality: #/definitions/nationality isdisabledperson: type: boolean description: É uma pessoa com deficiência? placeofbirth: #/definitions/city fatherName: type: string description: Nome do pai motherName: type: string description: Nome da mãe socialName: type: string description: Nome social religion: #/definitions/religion attachment: type: string description: Id do upload da foto da g7 professionalCouncil: #/definitions/professionalcouncil ethnicity: #/definitions/ethnicity nationality: type: object required: – nationalityType properties: id: type: string description: Id da nacionalidade code: type: integer description: Código da nacionalidade name: type: string description: Nome da nacionalidade nationalityType: #/definitions/nationalityType religion: type: object required: – code – name properties: id: type: string description: Id da religião code: type: integer description: Código da religião name: type: string description: Descrição da religião ethnicity: type: object properties: id: type: string description: Id da Etnia e Raça name: type: string description: Nome da Etnia e Raça externalId: type: string description: Id externo code: type: integer description: Código dependent: type: object required: – birthdate – employee – fullname – gender – isaccountedforirrf – iseligibletoalimony – iseligibletofamilyallowence – type – birthcertificate – cpf – rg – deathcertificate – deathdate – maritalstatus – educationdegree – mothersname – livebirthdeclaration – agelimitir – agelimitfamilysalary – nameNotary – bookNumber – sheetNumber – registerNumber – disabilityDate properties: id: type: string description: Id do dependente birthdate: type: string description: Data de nascimento format: date employee: #/definitions/employee fullname: type: string description: Nome completo gender: #/definitions/genderType isaccountedforirrf: type: boolean description: Representa se o dependente é contabilizado no IRRF iseligibletoalimony: type: boolean description: Representa se o dependente é elegível a pensão alimentícia iseligibletofamilyallowence: type: boolean description: Representa se o dependente é elegível para subsídio familiar (Salário família) type: #/definitions/kinshipDegree birthcertificate: type: string description: Certidão de nascimento cpf: type: string description: CPF rg: type: string description: RG deathcertificate: type: string description: Certidão de óbito deathdate: type: string description: Data de óbito format: date maritalstatus: #/definitions/maritalStatus educationdegree: #/definitions/educationdegree mothersname: type: string description: Nome da mãe placeofbirth: #/definitions/city livebirthdeclaration: type: string description: Declaração de nascimento agelimitir: type: integer description: Limite de idade para IR agelimitfamilysalary: type: integer description: Limite de idade para pensão familiar nameNotary: type: string description: Nome do cartório bookNumber: type: string description: Número do livro sheetNumber: type: string description: Número da folha registerNumber: type: string description: Número do registro attachment: #/definitions/attachment disabilityDate: type: string description: Data da invalidez format: date employee: type: object required: – contracttype – hiredate – jobposition – person – employer – companynumber – employeetype – registernumber – registrationnumber – department – isOccupyQuotaDisability – contractNationality – hireType – appearsinRais properties: id: type: string description: Id do colaborador contracttype: #/definitions/employeeContractType hiredate: type: string description: Data de admissão format: date jobposition: #/definitions/jobposition person: #/definitions/person workshift: type: string description: Relacionamento com posto de trabalho employer: #/definitions/company companynumber: type: integer description: Empresa do colaborador: NUMEMP employeetype: #/definitions/employeeType registernumber: type: integer description: Código do colaborador: NUMCAD registrationnumber: type: integer description: Número de registro do colaborador department: type: string description: Relacionamento com o local isOccupyQuotaDisability: type: boolean description: Ocupa cota de deficiente? contractNationality: #/definitions/contractNationalityType hireType: #/definitions/hireType processNumber: type: string description: Processo judicial appearsinRais: type: boolean description: Consta na RAIS? attachment: #/definitions/attachment dismissaldate: type: string description: Data de demissão format: date costcenter: type: string description: Centro de custo externalId: type: string description: Id externo jobposition: type: object required: – code – name – jobpositionstructure properties: id: type: string description: Id do cargo code: type: string description: Código do cargo name: type: string description: Nome do cargo cbo: type: string description: CBO do cargo jobpositionstructure: type: string description: Id da estrutura de cargos creationDate: type: string description: Data de criação do cargo format: date expirationDate: type: string description: Data de extinção do cargo format: date company: type: object required: – cnpj – subscriptionType – companyname – place – companytype – apportionmentUseType – takersRoutineUseType – apportionmentDiscountType – takersRoutineStartDate – useJudicialPensionHistory properties: id: type: string description: Id da empresa code: type: integer description: Código da empresa cnpj: type: string description: Cnpj da empresa subscriptionType: #/definitions/subscriptionType companyname: type: string description: Nome da empresa headquarter: type: string description: Relacionamento com a sede da empresa place: #/definitions/address companytype: #/definitions/companyType apportionmentUseType: #/definitions/apportionmentUseType takersRoutineUseType: #/definitions/takersRoutineUseType apportionmentDiscountType: #/definitions/apportionmentDiscountType takersRoutineStartDate: type: string description: Início rotina tomadores por rateio format: date useJudicialPensionHistory: type: boolean description: Usa histórico pensão judicial tradingname: type: string description: Nome fantasia da empresa startDate: type: string description: Início das atividades format: date endDate: type: string description: Encerramento das atividades format: date address: type: object required: – addresstype – postalcode – neighborhood – address – number properties: id: type: string description: Id do endereço addresstype: #/definitions/addressType cityId: #/definitions/city postalcode: type: string description: Código de endereçamento postal neighborhood: type: string description: Bairro/Distrito a qual pertence este endereço, legado usado no hcm neighborhoodId: #/definitions/neighborhood address: type: string description: Endereço number: type: string description: Número do endereço administrativeregion: #/definitions/administrativeregion additional: type: string description: Informação adicional referente ao endereço updatedate: type: string description: Data de alteração do endereço format: date neighborhood: type: object required: – code – name – city – cep properties: id: type: string description: Id do bairro code: type: integer description: Código do bairro name: type: string description: Nome do bairro city: #/definitions/city cep: type: string description: CEP administrativeRegion: #/definitions/administrativeregion administrativeregion: type: object required: – code – city – name properties: id: type: string description: Id da região administrativa code: type: integer description: Código da região city: #/definitions/city name: type: string description: Nome da região administrativa attachment: type: object required: – name properties: id: type: string description: Identificador name: type: string description: Nome do arquivo type: string description: Versão do arquivo temporário permanentUrl: type: string description: Caminho permanente do arquivo person: #/definitions/person sourceId: type: string description: Identificador do anexo sourceType: type: string description: Tipo do anexo createdat: type: string description: Data de criação format: date updatedat: type: string description: Data de alteração format: date status: type: integer description: Status educationdegree: type: object properties: id: type: string description: Id do grau de instrução code: type: integer description: Código do grau de instrução name: type: string description: Nome do grau de instrução nameRais: #/definitions/degreeInstructionType historicalEsocialCategory: type: object required: – dateWhen – employee – eSocialCategoryType properties: id: type: string description: Id do histórico dateWhen: type: string description: Data do histórico format: date endDate: type: string description: Data de término format: date employee: #/definitions/employee eSocialCategoryType: #/definitions/eSocialCategory externalId: type: string description: Id externo historicalEmploymentRelationship: type: object required: – dateWhen – employee – employmentRelationship properties: id: type: string description: Id do histórico dateWhen: type: string description: Data do histórico format: date endDate: type: string description: Data de término format: date employee: #/definitions/employee employmentRelationship: #/definitions/employmentRelationship isIntegration: type: boolean description: É integração? (campo calculado) lotWorkstation: type: string description: Lote do histórico de posto de trabalho employmentRelationship: type: object required: – name – rais properties: id: type: string description: Id do vínculo code: type: integer description: Código do vínculo name: type: string description: Descrição do vínculo rais: #/definitions/raisType paymentRelationship: #/definitions/paymentRelationship paymentRelationship: type: object properties: id: type: string description: Id dos pagamentos homeOffice: type: boolean description: Indicar se o vínculo refere-se a um regime de teletrabalho employmentRelationship: #/definitions/employmentRelationship syndicate: type: object required: – code – name – vacationMonths properties: id: type: string description: Id do sindicato code: type: integer description: Código do sindicato name: type: string description: Nome do sindicato vacationMonths: type: integer description: Meses do período aquisitivo de férias vacationRightType: #/definitions/vacationRightType priorNotice: type: object required: – syndicate – dateWhen properties: id: type: string description: Id do aviso prévio syndicate: #/definitions/syndicate dateWhen: type: string description: Data da última alteração do aviso prévio format: date indemnifiedNoticeDays: type: integer description: Dias aviso indenizado retrievedNoticeDays: type: integer description: Dias aviso reavido sumNoticeDaysRetrievedTermination: type: boolean description: Somar aviso reavido na rescisão calculationAveragePriorNotice: #/definitions/calculationAveragePriorNoticeType recoveredDaysAdditionYear: type: integer description: Acréscimo dias reavido no ano indemnifiedDaysAdditionYear: type: integer description: Acréscimo dias indenizado no ano priorNoticeDaysInCount: #/definitions/priorNoticeDaysInCountType daysAdditionInCount: #/definitions/daysAdditionInCountType startCountAddition: #/definitions/startCountAdditionType formAdditionCount: #/definitions/formAdditionCountType useDifferentiatedNotice: #/definitions/useDifferentiatedNoticeType formDisregardWithdrawalDay: #/definitions/formDisregardWithdrawalDayType ageSelection: type: boolean description: Seleção por idade serviceTimeSelection: type: boolean description: Seleção por tempo de serviço account: type: object required: – employeeId – bankId – bankBranchId – accountType – bankAccount – digit properties: id: type: string description: Id da conta bancária employeeId: type: string description: Id da funcionário bankId: #/definitions/bank bankBranchId: #/definitions/bankBranch accountType: #/definitions/accountType bankAccount: type: string description: Conta bancária digit: type: string description: Digito da conta bank: type: object required: – code – name properties: id: type: string description: Id do banco code: type: integer description: Número do banco name: type: string description: Descrição bankBranch: type: object required: – code – name – bank properties: id: type: string description: Id da agência code: type: integer description: Número da agência name: type: string description: Nome da agência bank: type: string description: Relacionamento com banco email: type: object required: – email – emailtype properties: id: type: string description: Id do email person: type: string description: Relacionamento com pessoa email: type: string description: Endereço de email emailtype: #/definitions/emailType phonecontact: type: object required: – contacttype – number properties: id: type: string description: Id do telefone contacttype: #/definitions/phoneContactType countrycode: type: integer description: Código do país (DDI) localcode: type: integer description: Código da localidade (DDD) number: type: string description: Número do telefone extention: type: string description: Ramal do telefone personphonecontact: type: object required: – person – phonecontact properties: id: type: string description: Id do vínculo person: type: string description: Relacionamento com pessoa phonecontact: #/definitions/phonecontact otherContract: type: object required: – employee properties: id: type: string description: Id do outro contrato employee: #/definitions/employee otherContractType: #/definitions/otherContractType otherEmployee: #/definitions/employee inssCeiling: type: boolean description: Utiliza teto de INSS? historicalleave: type: object required: – employee – startdate – startDate – timetrackingsituation properties: id: type: string description: Id do histórico employee: #/definitions/employee startdate: type: string description: Início do afastamento(Com timezone) format: date-time enddate: type: string description: Término do afastamento(Com timezone) format: date-time startDate: type: string description: Início do afastamento(Sem timezone) format: date-time endDate: type: string description: Término do afastamento(Sem timezone) format: date-time estimatedenddate: type: string description: Data prevista de término do afastamento format: date timetrackingsituation: #/definitions/timetrackingsituation attendant: #/definitions/attendant attendantName: type: string description: Nome do atendente recordCouncil: type: string description: Registro do conselho profissional attendantState: #/definitions/state classOrganType: #/definitions/classOrganType workAccidentType: #/definitions/workAccidentType disease: #/definitions/disease justifiedDays: type: integer description: Dias justificados observation: type: string description: Observação do afastamento isIntegration: type: boolean description: É integração? (campo calculado) birthDate: type: string description: Data do parto format: date pregnancyConfirmation: type: string description: Confirmação da gravidez format: date returnExamination: type: boolean description: Exame de retorno movimentationRaisType: #/definitions/movimentationRaisType subgroupDisease: #/definitions/subgroupDisease nexusHazard: type: boolean description: Risco nexo medicalDecisionDate: type: string description: Decisão da perícia format: date nexusStartDate: type: string description: Início do nexo format: date initialSituation: #/definitions/timetrackingsituation attachments: type: array items: #/definitions/attachment description: Anexo externalId: type: string description: Id externo professionalCouncilState: type: string description: UF do Conselho Profissional transferReasonType: #/definitions/transferReasonType dismissalReason: #/definitions/dismissalReason diseaseICD11: #/definitions/diseaseICD11 timetrackingsituation: type: object required: – trackingtype – name – isforabsent properties: id: type: string description: Id da situação do afastamento code: type: integer description: Código da situação trackingtype: #/definitions/timeTrackingType name: type: string description: Nome do afastamento isforabsent: type: boolean description: Indica se o afastamento considera absenteísmo situationDaysJustified: type: integer description: Situação para os dias justificados returnExamination: type: boolean description: Exame de retorno extensionControl: type: string description: Controla prorrogação generateStability: #/definitions/generateStabilityType stabilityDay: type: number description: Dias estabilidade format: double stabilityType: #/definitions/stabilityType maximumStabilityDays: type: number description: Máximo dias estabilidade format: double loseVacationRight: #/definitions/loseVacationRightType loseVacation: type: boolean description: Perde férias headCountControl: type: boolean description: Considera afastados quadro attendant: type: object required: – code – name – attendantType – recordCouncil – situationCouncil – phoneContact properties: id: type: string description: Id do atendente code: type: integer description: Código do atendente name: type: string description: Nome do atendente attendantType: #/definitions/attendantType employee: #/definitions/employee professionalCouncil: #/definitions/professionalcouncil recordCouncil: type: string description: Registro profissional situationCouncil: type: string description: Situação do registro phoneContact: #/definitions/phonecontact disease: type: object required: – code – name properties: id: type: string description: Identificador code: type: string description: Código da Doença name: type: string description: Descrição da doença subgroupDisease: type: object required: – code – name properties: id: type: string description: Identificador code: type: string description: Código do Subgrupo de Doenças name: type: string description: Descrição do Subgrupo de Doenças dismissalReason: type: object required: – code – name – checkStability – allowsWithdrawalDismissal – dismissalReasonRaisType – printDispenseNotice – fgtsWithdrawalCodeType – cagedDispenseNoticeType – vacationFractionAndSalaryType – payFamilySalaryType – payFgtsOnTermination – payFgtsFineOnTerminateType – pay13ProportionalSalary – pay13IndemnifiedSalaryType – payVacationProportionalType – payBonus – payIndemnifiedDissidioType – paySpecialLeaveType – controlRehireType – otherEvents – spreadWorkflow – daysToLockTheBadge – considerInTheMovesPortlet – discountTransportationVoucherType properties: id: type: string description: Id da causa code: type: integer description: Código da causa name: type: string description: Descrição da causa transferReasonType: #/definitions/transferReasonType dateDismissalWarningType: #/definitions/dateDismissalWarningType indemnifiedDaysType: #/definitions/indemnifiedDaysType annotationType: #/definitions/annotationtype reopenedDaysType: #/definitions/reopenedDaysType checkStability: type: boolean description: Chegar estabilidade? daysInAdvanceType: #/definitions/daysInAdvanceType determinedDeadlineType: #/definitions/determinedDeadlineType warningNoticeType: #/definitions/warningNoticeType allowsWithdrawalDismissal: type: boolean description: Permite afastamento de rescisão? dismissalReasonRaisType: #/definitions/dismissalReasonRaisType printDispenseNotice: type: boolean description: Imprimir comunicado de dispensa? fgtsWithdrawalCodeType: #/definitions/fgtsWithdrawalCodeType cagedDispenseNoticeType: #/definitions/cagedDispenseNoticeType vacationFractionAndSalaryType: #/definitions/vacationFractionAndSalaryType payFamilySalaryType: #/definitions/payFamilySalaryType payFgtsOnTermination: type: boolean description: Pagar Ftgs na rescisão? payFgtsFineOnTerminateType: #/definitions/payFgtsFineOnTerminateType pay13ProportionalSalary: type: boolean description: Pagar 13o salário proporcional? pay13IndemnifiedSalaryType: #/definitions/pay13IndemnifiedSalaryType payVacationProportionalType: #/definitions/payVacationProportionalType payBonus: type: boolean description: Pagar gratificação? payIndemnifiedDissidioType: #/definitions/payIndemnifiedDissidioType paySpecialLeaveType: #/definitions/paySpecialLeaveType controlRehireType: #/definitions/controlRehireType otherEvents: type: boolean description: Calcular outros eventos da rescisão? spreadWorkflow: type: boolean description: Divulgar no workflow? daysToLockTheBadge: type: integer description: Números de dias para bloquear o crachá (após a demissão) considerInTheMovesPortlet: type: boolean description: Considerar no portlet de movimentações? discountTransportationVoucherType: #/definitions/discountTransportationVoucherType annotationtype: type: object required: – code – name – showinadmissioncard properties: id: type: string description: Id do tipo da anotação code: type: integer description: Código do tipo de anotação name: type: string description: Descrição do tipo showinadmissioncard: type: boolean description: Se mostra na admissão workScheduleType: #/definitions/workScheduleType eSocialType: #/definitions/eSocialType salaryDescriptionType: #/definitions/salaryDescriptionType pregnantApprenticeType: type: boolean description: Aprendiz grávida diseaseICD11: type: object properties: id: type: string description: Identificador itemType: #/definitions/diseaseICD11ItemType code: type: string description: Código da Doença chapterCode: type: string description: Código do capítulo name: type: string description: Descrição da doença externalId: type: string description: Id externo workstation: type: object required: – company – occupant – workstationgroup properties: id: type: string description: Id do posto de trabalho company: #/definitions/company occupant: #/definitions/employee workstationgroup: #/definitions/workstationgroup workstationgroup: type: object required: – name – contractType – allowDeficient – headoffice – creationDate – workstationgroupstructure properties: id: type: string description: Id do posto de trabalho code: type: string description: Código do posto de trabalho name: type: string description: Nome do posto de trabalho contractType: #/definitions/employeeContractType allowDeficient: #/definitions/decisionPcD headoffice: #/definitions/company branchoffice: #/definitions/company department: #/definitions/department syndicate: #/definitions/syndicate employmentRelationship: #/definitions/employmentRelationship workshift: #/definitions/workshift workshiftGroup: #/definitions/workshiftGroup intervalGroup: #/definitions/intervalGroup costcenter: #/definitions/costcenter expenseNature: #/definitions/expenseNature creationDate: type: string description: Data de criação do posto de trabalho format: date expirationDate: type: string description: Data de expiração do posto de trabalho format: date workstationgroupstructure: #/definitions/workstationgroupstructure scaleTeam: #/definitions/scaleTeam scaleCategory: #/definitions/scaleCategory workstationGroupProfile: type: string description: Relacionamento com o perfil de posto. (R017PER) shift: #/definitions/workshiftScale department: type: object required: – code – name – position – tablecode – creationdate – expirationdate properties: id: type: string description: Id do local code: type: string description: Código do local name: type: string description: Nome do local position: type: string description: Posição tablecode: type: integer description: Código da tabela creationdate: type: string description: Data de criação format: date expirationdate: type: string description: Data de extinção format: date apportionment: #/definitions/apportionment daytimeHoliday: type: string description: Id da tabela de feriados diurnos nightTimeHoliday: type: string description: Id da tabela de feriados noturnos externalId: type: string description: Id de sistema externo apportionment: type: object required: – code – name properties: id: type: string description: Id do rateio code: type: integer description: Código do rateio name: type: string description: Descrição workshift: type: object required: – holidayType – workshiftScale properties: id: type: string description: Id da escala code: type: integer description: Código da escala description: type: string description: Descrição da escala monthminutes: type: number description: horas mensais format: double weekminutes: type: number description: horas semanais format: double dsrminutes: type: number description: horas DSR format: double workshiftType: #/definitions/workshiftType structure: type: string description: Estrutura shift: type: integer description: Turno holidayType: #/definitions/holidayType workshiftScale: #/definitions/workshiftScale workshiftGroup: type: object required: – code – workshift – baseDate properties: id: type: string description: Id da turma de escala code: type: integer description: Código da turma de escala workshift: #/definitions/workshift baseDate: type: string description: Data base da turma format: date intervalGroup: type: object required: – code – description – workshift properties: id: type: string description: Id da turma de intervalo code: type: integer description: Código da turma description: type: string description: Descrição da turma workshift: #/definitions/workshift costcenter: type: object required: – company – name – code – creationDate – expirationDate – gpsCompanyBranch – accountingBranch – budgetCompanyBranch – descriptionCode properties: id: type: string description: Id do centro de custo company: type: string description: Empresa do centro de custo name: type: string description: Nome do centro de custo code: type: string description: Código do centro de custo creationDate: type: string description: Data de criação do centro de custo format: date expirationDate: type: string description: Data de extinção do centro de custo format: date gpsCompanyBranch: #/definitions/company accountingBranch: type: integer description: Filial contábil apportionment: #/definitions/apportionment budgetCompanyBranch: #/definitions/company descriptionCode: type: string description: Código Texto C.Custo p/ Exportação expenseNature: type: object required: – code – name properties: id: type: string description: Identificador code: type: integer description: Código da Natureza de Despesa name: type: string description: Descrição da Natureza de Despesa workstationgroupstructure: type: object required: – code properties: id: type: string description: Id da estrutura name: type: string description: Nome da estrutura code: type: integer description: Código da estrutura scaleTeam: type: object required: – code – name properties: id: type: string description: Id da equipe code: type: integer description: Código da equipe name: type: string description: Descrição da equipe scaleCategory: type: object required: – id – code – name – consistCategory – category properties: id: type: string description: Id da categoria code: type: integer description: Código da categoria name: type: string description: Descrição da categoria consistCategory: type: boolean description: Consistir cobre categoria? category: type: string description: Cobre categoria movimentation: type: object required: – employee – datewhen – movimentationdate – newdepartament – newjobposition – newcurrency – newsalarytype – jobpositionreason – workstationreason – newworkstation – newworkshift – salaryreason – adjustmentpercentage – performancepercentage – newemploymentrelationship – newcostcenter – newcompany – transfertype – departmentreason – newvalueCrypto – newspendingmoneyCrypto – newcompanynumber – newregisternumber properties: id: type: string description: Id da movimentação employee: #/definitions/employee datewhen: type: string description: Data da movimentação (Com timezone) format: date-time movimentationdate: type: string description: Data da movimentação (Sem timezone) format: date-time newdepartament: #/definitions/department newjobposition: #/definitions/jobposition newcurrency: #/definitions/currencyType newsalarytype: #/definitions/salaryType newwagelevel: #/definitions/wagelevel jobpositionreason: #/definitions/movimentationreason workstationreason: #/definitions/movimentationreason newworkstation: #/definitions/workstation newworkshift: #/definitions/workshift salaryreason: #/definitions/movimentationreason adjustmentpercentage: type: number description: Porcentagem de ajuste format: double performancepercentage: type: number description: Porcentagem de desempenho format: double newemploymentrelationship: #/definitions/raisType newcostcenter: #/definitions/costcenter newcompany: #/definitions/company transfertype: #/definitions/hireType departmentreason: #/definitions/movimentationreason newvalueCrypto: type: string description: Valor do salário criptografado newspendingmoneyCrypto: type: string description: Valor do adicional criptografado newcompanynumber: type: integer description: Número da empresa newregisternumber: type: integer description: Número do registro wagelevel: type: object required: – currency – name – initialsalaryCrypto – sequence properties: id: type: string description: Id do nível salarial currency: #/definitions/currencyType name: type: string description: Nome do nível salarial wageclass: #/definitions/wageclass initialsalaryCrypto: type: string description: Salário inicial sequence: type: integer description: Sequência wageclass: type: object required: – name – wagescalerevision – sequence properties: id: type: string description: Id da classe salarial name: type: string description: Nome da classe salarial wagescalerevision: #/definitions/wagescalerevision sequence: type: integer description: Sequência wagescalerevision: type: object required: – startdate – enddate properties: id: type: string description: Id da revisão de escala salarial startdate: type: string description: Data de inicio da revisão de escala salarial format: date enddate: type: string description: Data do fim da revisão de escala salarial format: date wagescale: #/definitions/wagescale wagescale: type: object required: – name – salarytype – marketlevel properties: id: type: string description: ID da estrutura salarial name: type: string description: Nome da estrutura salarial salarytype: #/definitions/salaryType marketlevel: type: integer description: Sequência que corresponde ao salário de mercado movimentationreason: type: object required: – code – name properties: id: type: string description: Id do motivo code: type: integer description: Código do motivo name: type: string description: Nome do motivo movimentationReasonType: #/definitions/movimentationReasonType historicalCostCenter: type: object required: – dateWhen – employee – costCenterId properties: id: type: string description: Id do histórico dateWhen: type: string description: Data do histórico format: date endDate: type: string description: Data de término format: date employee: #/definitions/employee costCenterId: #/definitions/costcenter movimentationReasonId: #/definitions/movimentationreason isIntegration: type: boolean description: É integração? (campo calculado) lotWorkstation: type: string description: Lote do histórico de posto de trabalho historicalJobPosition: type: object required: – dateWhen – employee – jobPositionId – movimentationReasonId properties: id: type: string description: Id do histórico dateWhen: type: string description: Data do histórico format: date endDate: type: string description: Data fim do histórico format: date employee: #/definitions/employee jobPositionId: #/definitions/jobposition movimentationReasonId: #/definitions/movimentationreason isIntegration: type: boolean description: É integração? (campo calculado) lotWorkstation: type: string description: Lote do histórico de posto de trabalho historicalWorkshift: type: object required: – dateWhen – employee – workshiftId – workshiftGroupId properties: id: type: string description: Id do histórico dateWhen: type: string description: Data do histórico format: date endDate: type: string description: Data fim do histórico format: date employee: #/definitions/employee workshiftId: #/definitions/workshift workshiftGroupId: #/definitions/workshiftGroup scaleTeam: #/definitions/scaleTeam scaleCategory: #/definitions/scaleCategory intervalGroupId: #/definitions/intervalGroup isIntegration: type: boolean description: É integração? (campo calculado) lotWorkstation: type: string description: Lote do histórico de posto de trabalho externalId: type: string description: Identificador Externo historicalExpenseNature: type: object required: – dateWhen – employee – expenseNature – originExpenseNature properties: id: type: string description: Id do histórico dateWhen: type: string description: Data do histórico format: date endDate: type: string description: Data fim do histórico format: date employee: #/definitions/employee expenseNature: #/definitions/expenseNature originExpenseNature: #/definitions/originExpenseNatureType isIntegration: type: boolean description: É integração? (campo calculado) lotWorkstation: type: string description: Lote do histórico de posto de trabalho actingtype: type: object required: – code – name – mainhistory – consistCharacteristic – jobActingType – additionalPaymentType – additionalPaymentPercentage – goal – headCountControl properties: id: type: string description: Id do tipo de atuação code: type: integer description: Código do tipo de atuação name: type: string description: Descrição do tipo de atuação mainhistory: type: boolean description: Histórico principal? consistCharacteristic: type: boolean description: Consistir característica? jobActingType: #/definitions/jobActingType additionalPaymentType: #/definitions/additionalPaymentType additionalPaymentPercentage: type: number description: Porcentagem do pagamento do posto adicional format: double goal: type: string description: Objetivo headCountControl: type: boolean description: Indica se atuações deste tipo contrabilizam uma vaga no quadro de lotação historicalWorkEnvironment: type: object required: – dateWhen – employee – location properties: id: type: string description: Id do histórico dateWhen: type: string description: Data do histórico format: date endDate: type: string description: Data de término format: date employee: #/definitions/employee location: #/definitions/workEnvironmentType workEnvironmentId: #/definitions/workEnvironment isIntegration: type: boolean description: É integração? (campo calculado) externalId: type: string description: Identificador externo workEnvironment: type: object required: – code – name – location properties: id: type: string description: Id do ambiente de trabalho code: type: integer description: Código do ambiente name: type: string description: Nome do ambiente location: #/definitions/workEnvironmentType company: #/definitions/company companyBranch: #/definitions/company otherCompany: #/definitions/othercompany subscriptionType: #/definitions/subscriptionType subscriptionNumber: type: string description: Número da inscrição externalId: type: string description: Identificador externo othercompany: type: object required: – code – name – nickname – subscriptionType – subscriptionNumber – subscriptionNumberCNO – subscriptionNumberCAEPF – startDate – endDate properties: id: type: string description: Id da outra empresa code: type: integer description: Código da outra empresa name: type: string description: Nome da outra empresa nickname: type: string description: Apelido da outra empresa subscriptionType: #/definitions/subscriptionType subscriptionNumber: type: integer description: Número da inscrição subscriptionNumberCNO: type: integer description: Número inscrição CNO subscriptionNumberCAEPF: type: integer description: Inscrição no CAEPF (número) startDate: type: string description: Data de inicio da validade format: date endDate: type: string description: Data fim da validade format: date country: #/definitions/country state: #/definitions/state cep: type: string description: CEP city: #/definitions/city neighborhood: #/definitions/neighborhood addressType: #/definitions/publicPlaceType address: type: string description: Endereço addressnumber: type: integer description: Número complement: type: string description: Complemento genericError: properties: message: type: string description: Messaging describing the error. reason: type: string description: A symbolic code identifying the category of the reason of the error. enum: – BAD_REQUEST – UNAUTHORIZED – PAYMENT_REQUIRED – FORBIDDEN – OBJECT_NOT_FOUND – REQUEST_TIMEOUT – GONE – UNPROCESSABLE – INTERNAL_ERROR – NOT_IMPLEMENTED – SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE – INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE