2.0info: 1.1.2 Packing description: Eventos e Pontos de Extensão do WMS – Packing x-senior-domain: Camada de Customização do WMS x-senior-domain-path: wms_custom x-senior-service-path: packing contact: name: Senior X Platform url: http://dev.senior.com.br email: seniorx-dev@senior.com.brhost: platform.senior.com.br /t/senior.com.br/bridge/1.0/rest/wms_customsecurityDefinitions: APIKeyHeader: type: apiKey in: header name: Authorizationsecurity: – APIKeyHeader: [] – application/json – application/jsonpaths: /packing/queries/getMetadata: post: description: Default getMetadata query. Every service must handle this command and return metadata in the format requested. tags: – Queries x-senior-visibility: PRIVATE parameters: – name: input in: body required: true schema: type: object properties: metadataFormat: type: string description: responses: 200: description: Ok schema: type: object required: – metadata properties: metadata: type: string description: default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: Default getMetadata query. Every service must handle this command and return metadata in the format requested. tags: – Queries x-senior-visibility: PRIVATE parameters: – name: metadataFormat description: in: query type: string responses: 200: description: Ok schema: type: object required: – metadata properties: metadata: type: string description: default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /packing/queries/getDependencies: post: description: Returns a list with all dependencies from this service, along with their respective versions tags: – Queries x-senior-visibility: PUBLIC responses: 200: description: Ok schema: type: object required: – dependencies properties: dependencies: type: array items: type: object allOf: #/definitions/dependency minimum: 1 description: List with this service dependencies default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError get: description: Returns a list with all dependencies from this service, along with their respective versions tags: – Queries x-senior-visibility: PUBLIC responses: 200: description: Ok schema: type: object required: – dependencies properties: dependencies: type: array items: type: object allOf: #/definitions/dependency minimum: 1 description: List with this service dependencies default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /packing/actions/generateVolume: post: description: Gerar Volume THIS IS AN EXTENSION POINT. EXTENSION POINTS ARE ENDPOINTS MEANT TO BE PROVIDED BY CLIENT SERVICES INSTEAD OF BY THE SERVICE DEFINING THEM. tags: – Actions x-senior-visibility: PUBLIC parameters: – name: input in: body required: true schema: type: object required: – volume – data – usuario properties: volume: type: object allOf: #/definitions/volume description: Volume data: type: string format: date-time description: Data usuario: type: object allOf: #/definitions/usuario description: Usuário responses: 200: description: Ok schema: type: object required: – success – message properties: success: type: boolean description: Retorno do Serviço message: type: string description: Mensagem do Serviço default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /packing/actions/cancelVolume: post: description: Cancelar Volume THIS IS AN EXTENSION POINT. EXTENSION POINTS ARE ENDPOINTS MEANT TO BE PROVIDED BY CLIENT SERVICES INSTEAD OF BY THE SERVICE DEFINING THEM. tags: – Actions x-senior-visibility: PUBLIC parameters: – name: input in: body required: true schema: type: object required: – volume – data – usuario properties: volume: type: object allOf: #/definitions/volume description: Volume data: type: string format: date-time description: Data usuario: type: object allOf: #/definitions/usuario description: Usuário responses: 200: description: Ok schema: type: object required: – success – message properties: success: type: boolean description: Retorno do Serviço message: type: string description: Mensagem do Serviço default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError /packing/actions/changeNumberOfVolumes: post: description: Alterar Número de Volumes THIS IS AN EXTENSION POINT. EXTENSION POINTS ARE ENDPOINTS MEANT TO BE PROVIDED BY CLIENT SERVICES INSTEAD OF BY THE SERVICE DEFINING THEM. tags: – Actions x-senior-visibility: PUBLIC parameters: – name: input in: body required: true schema: type: object required: – onda – notaFiscal – armazem – data – usuario – quantidadeAnterior – quantidadeAtual properties: onda: type: object allOf: #/definitions/onda description: Onda notaFiscal: type: object allOf: #/definitions/notaFiscal description: Nota Fiscal armazem: type: object allOf: #/definitions/entidade description: Armazém data: type: string format: date-time description: Data usuario: type: object allOf: #/definitions/usuario description: Usuário quantidadeAnterior: type: integer format: int64 description: Quantidade Anterior quantidadeAtual: type: integer format: int64 description: Quantidade Atual responses: 200: description: Ok schema: type: object required: – success – message properties: success: type: boolean description: Retorno do Serviço message: type: string description: Mensagem do Serviço default: description: Error response schema: #/definitions/genericError definitions: userNotificationKind: description: User notification kind. type: string enum: – Operational – Management – News userNotificationPriority: description: User notification priority. type: string enum: – Error – Alert – None eventEmailFormat: description: Format of the email type: string enum: – HTML – PLAIN_TEXT entidade: description: Entidade type: object required: – cnpj properties: cnpj: type: string description: CNPJ ie: type: string description: Inscrição Estadual usuario: description: Usuário type: object required: – nomeUsuario properties: nomeUsuario: type: string description: Nome Usuário loginSeniorX: type: string description: Login SeniorX notaFiscal: description: Nota Fiscal type: object required: – numero – depositante – transportadora properties: numero: type: integer format: int64 description: Número da Nota Fiscal serie: type: string description: Série da Nota Fiscal numPedido: type: string description: Número do Pedido do Fornecedor dataEmissao: type: string format: date-time description: Data Emissão chaveAcessoNFe: type: string description: Chave Acesso NFe depositante: type: object allOf: #/definitions/entidade description: Depositante transportadora: type: object allOf: #/definitions/entidade description: Transportadora onda: description: Onda type: object required: – idOnda – numero properties: idOnda: type: number format: double description: Id Onda numero: type: string description: Número volume: description: Volume type: object required: – onda – notaFiscal – armazem properties: onda: type: object allOf: #/definitions/onda description: Onda notaFiscal: type: object allOf: #/definitions/notaFiscal description: Nota Fiscal armazem: type: object allOf: #/definitions/entidade description: Armazém tarefa: type: string description: Tarefa barraVolume: type: string description: Barra Volume numero: type: integer format: int64 description: Número Volume codigoRastreio: type: string description: Código Rastreio notifyUserEventPayload: description: Represents a regular user event notification payload discriminator: _discriminator type: object required: – notificationKind – notificationPriority – notificationSubject – notificationContent – sourceDomain – sourceService – destinationUser – _discriminator properties: notificationClass: type: string description: Class of notification notificationOrigin: type: string description: Origin of notification. Free text. Optional. notificationKind: type: string allOf: – #/definitions/userNotificationKind description: Notification kind. notificationPriority: type: string allOf: – #/definitions/userNotificationPriority description: Notification priority. notificationSubject: type: string description: Notification subject. notificationContent: type: string description: Notification content. sourceDomain: type: string description: Domain that generates the notification. sourceService: type: string description: Service that generates the notification. destinationUser: type: string description: Username of the destination user. link: type: string description: Notification link _discriminator: type: string description: emailNotifyUserEventPayload: description: Represents an email notification payload allOf: – #/definitions/notifyUserEventPayload – type: object required: – from properties: from: type: string description: Email sender address sendTo: type: array items: type: string description: Additional recipients to send the email to format: type: string allOf: – #/definitions/eventEmailFormat description: Email format pushNotifyUserEventPayload: description: Represents a push notification payload allOf: – #/definitions/notifyUserEventPayload – type: object required: – applicationId properties: applicationId: type: string description: Apple/Google application id blobReference: description: Default blob reference type. Every service defines its own. type: object required: – targetObjectId properties: domainName: type: string description: The domain the blob belongs to. serviceName: type: string description: The service the blob belongs to. targetObjectId: type: string description: The basic id of the blob. targetCopyId: type: string description: The id of the blob copy. basicErrorPayload: description: Default error payload type. Every service defines its own. type: object properties: message: type: string description: The user-facing error message, if any. errorCode: type: string description: The program-accessible (and service-specific) error code. dependency: description: Represents a service dependency type: object required: – domain – service – version properties: domain: type: string description: Domain of the dependency service service: type: string description: Name of the dependency service type: string description: Version of the dependency service genericError: properties: message: type: string description: Messaging describing the error. reason: type: string description: A symbolic code identifying the category of the reason of the error. enum: – BAD_REQUEST – UNAUTHORIZED – PAYMENT_REQUIRED – FORBIDDEN – OBJECT_NOT_FOUND – REQUEST_TIMEOUT – GONE – UNPROCESSABLE – INTERNAL_ERROR – NOT_IMPLEMENTED – SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE – INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE